Words without Knowledge

Where Have All the Christians Gone?

by Steve MacFarland



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/7/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781973624868
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781973624851
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781973624844

About the Book

There is a crisis facing Christianity in America. Both Christian and secular studies show that many professing Christian teens and young adults are leaving the church, forsaking their Christian heritage and turning to the ways of the world. But since they have grown up in Christian families, attended Christian churches, and even graduated from Christian schools, what is the cause of this exodus? Where have all the Christians gone—and why?

In Words without Knowledge, author Steve MacFarland offers a biblical answer to the problem of believers being drawn away from their faith, and he presents an easy-to-understand solution that is clearly revealed in Scripture for those who have “ears to hear.” The key is to be found in understanding something about the nature of truth, and MacFarland shows how if we were more diligent in teaching our youth the nature God’s truth, then perhaps far fewer would stray from their Christian foundation.

It has often been said that knowledge is everything, but knowledge must be a knowledge of truth. Although it is impossible for humans to fully understand the thoughts and ways of our amazing, infinite creator, God can do the impossible and has chosen to gift His children with the truth about His ways and plans. It is time now, more than ever, for God’s children to embrace this gift and build upon a foundation of truth so that they are not led astray.

About the Author

Steve MacFarland has been an educator for forty-plus years, working primarily as an administrator and Bible teacher in Christian high schools; he has also served as an interim pastor and speaker in many Delaware Valley churches. He graduated from Bible college and seminary in Philadelphia, and he and his wife, Fran, have four children and fifteen grandchildren. Steve and Fran have been married fifty blessed years, and they presently reside in Mullica Hill, New Jersey.