12 Steps of Relationship and Freedom

Call No Man Father

by Candidus Nwadike



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/14/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781973647959
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781973647966
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781973647973

About the Book

The book 12 Steps of Relationship and Freedom explains the history of the fall of man after the coup d’états in heaven. At Eden, God won the redemption of humanity by the prototype garment (Genesis 3:21) for protection. The incident continues onward to provide a piece of advice about why we should be on alert and vigilant and what to do about an abusive relationship and depression.

This is a true story. Each chapter is filled with inspiration on the journey to freedom. Along the way, is an in-depth explanation of some biblical truth and ways to overcome it all—for instance, grudge and unforgiveness. Abraham had been applauded for having great faith. Where did his faith come from? Religion must have a substance. Abraham’s faith has an element from a city—find out the name. Can a negative past have a stronghold on you? The book explains how it should not. The promise is much easier to obtain than some may think or do.

About the Author

Candidus Nwadike is an anointed minister of God, Paster, missionary, with the calling of an Apostle from 1998. He has a command from the Holy Spirit “take your Bible and evangelize the world.” God has spoken through him in the gift of teaching - wisdom and knowledge, healing, and faith. Through the Bible and life experiences, he has inspired all under his ministration. He counsels by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. God has persuaded him to help the church understand the scriptural truth. He loves to read and try new things. Find him on Twitter here @CandidusN.
