Form Me, Fire Me, Fill Me

Devotions to Inspire Surrender

by Lynn Lacher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/19/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781512795950
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781512795967
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781512795974

About the Book

“When my way seems too hard, Lord, it really isn’t. You are with me. When my load feels too heavy, it’s not. You carry it. When my heart feels like it’s breaking into pieces, it isn’t. You are molding me. When I feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life, I’m really not. I’m at rest in you. You keep me in perfect peace when I trust in you, when all of my thoughts are fixed upon you. Letting go of who I have always believed myself to be, I reach for who you have created me to be. Starved for lasting joy and peace, I’m now ready to reach for the life and purpose you have chosen for me. Moving to the edge of what I have never had the courage to allow, I launch into the depths of what has been my uncertainty. One breath and one moment at a time, you form me, you fire me, and you fill me.”

Are you ready for these depths? Are you tired of wondering why you aren’t moved by the wind of his Spirit? Are you exhausted from lasting change that has eluded you? Form Me, Fire Me, Fill Me invites you on a daily devotional journey of surrender and abundant fulfillment. It is one that implores you to reach beyond the words you have read and to discover God’s healing purpose for your life.

About the Author

Lynn lives in Anniston, Alabama, where she writes daily devotionals. Married to Pat for 48 years, life has been full of faith, family, writing, teaching, and caregiving. As the leader of a small discipleship group in her church, she encourages women to reach their potential in Christ. Although previously published in other venues, Form Me, Fire Me, Fill Me is her first book. It invites you on a daily devotional journey of healing and freedom that is only found in surrender to God.