Take What You Need

by Deyona Estep



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/30/2017

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781512787078
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781512787054
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781512787061

About the Book

Uplifting and comical, Take What You Need is your guide to navigating your way through life’s daily challenges. Aiming to be your new BFF author, Deyona Estep gives hopeful insight and purpose-driven perspective, pushing readers to pursue their God-given purpose and become their best selves while laughing along the way.

About the Author

So purpose, purpose being the reason you were placed on this earth. Everyone has purpose, everyone has something specific that God called and empowered them to do. Your gifts, your talents aren’t given to you for you to just hold on to and covet for yourself. Don’t bury them. So what is your purpose? What is it that comes easy to you, what is it that you’re good at, what is your strength? To really be fulfilled we have to seek out purpose. Being humble enough to allow God show us what he created us to do. To be courageous enough to step outside of the box, to go against the norm, to not be what society coerces you to be. Purpose. I write this out of purpose, not for cool points, not for show, not because I think I’m so intelligent, but because of purpose. This is different, I’m treading new ground, it can be scary but I don’t have to fear, because purpose. I’m write where I’m supposed to be, yes I made a pun. Ba dum cha! But following, seeking out and living in your purpose brings so much peace and joy and fulfillment. I know that God purposed me to help people, to bring enlightenment and a different perspective than the “worlds”, without being so serious and stuffy but to learn and laugh and know that life isn’t as hard as it tries to make itself out to be. Pursue purpose. That is why this book is written. This is definitely supposed to be an excerpt “about the author” but I totally went out on a tangent. So let’s do it, about me, Hi, I’m Deyona Estep, that’s “Delanta” and “Tonya” put together, kinda, and it’s (Dee-yah-nuh , E-step) please don’t call me Diana or Deowna, chick-fil-a always has me bent lol, you can say “De” though. Don’t know if it’s professional to put “lol” in a book but how else are you supposed to know I’m making a funny. I am from a little city outside of D.C, Suitland, MD, go Rams, but I talk more like I’m from Bowie. What else, I’m a Gemini, no we are not crazy, we are just on a-whole-nother level of awesomeness that some don’t quite understand. I love Chipotle, I can eat it every day (not a typo), literally 12th grade year I ate chipotle after school at least 4 days out the week, I have earned myself a free burrito or something Chipotle!! In my free time I like to Netflix binge and watch basketball. My favorite animal is the Alaskan Malamute. I love hoodies and denim. I don’t actually understand the purpose of sharks?? Like what kind of good do they bring to the ocean, the ecosystem, the world? Real question. I love Jesus, duh, but I don’t like when people touch my radio, I will have the urge to pop your hands. Lastly, I love my granddad, Clark Adams Estep, he is the best granddad in the land. He would not understand my random tangent, if he wrote this it would be very buttoned up and professional, I think he would side eye me if I read this to him. Oh and I have to add my mom in or else she’ll feel very sad and jelly, so hey mom, love you too, you are also the best in the land.