Seeds are for Growing
For thousands of years truth has been subject to its generation,
The flame and shadows in Plato's cave in unending acclimation.
For thousands of years seeds of truth have grown into many fruitful trees,
Sons and daughters dispensing their father's love in glory or on their knees.
For thousands of years poetry has immortalized truth in a graceful rhythm.
Psalms and proverbs that ebb and flow with both freedom and wisdom.
These are the seeds that found their way to the soil of my heart,
Some by revelation and others by life's lessons that tear me apart.
Destiny, Fate
It's not what you're born into or what you're given;
Life is not a poker game of fated winners and losers.
It's what you do with what you've got while liv’in;
Life is a preliminary trial sifting stewards from abusers.
Perfect Will
Doing the right thing for the right reasons;
Like planting and reaping in nature’s seasons.
Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons;
Like good intentioned puppet stings for demons.
Awareness + Ability = Responsibility
Being aware of a problem you can do something about makes you responsible.
Being ignorant of righteous ways does not mean you cease to be accountable.
The good you know or have now; do not withhold from your neighbor.
The ill you have been spared will fall on your head; if instead, you belabor.
Confidence vs. Arrogance vs. Insecurity
Confidence is perceived as arrogance to the insecure or incompetent.
Arrogance is coveted by the insecure but loathed by the confident.
Insecurity is noticed by the confident but abused by the arrogant.
Politics and Religion
Many can attest the bridges burnt by discoursing religion and politics.
Yet what other hope is there to set about bridging such opposing sides?
Many more deny the affairs of an eternal kingdom centered on a crucifix.
Yet what other way can a man trace love to its source while in it he abides?
The more polarized the position the sooner one isolates into a party of one.
Yet the greater the influence in those who mitigate betwixt such patriotism.
The more watered down a conviction the larger a company of fools will have begun.
Yet the less likely to achieve its ideal just as it is with imposing fascism.
Truth found among politics like finding an unused Rolex in a trash pile.
Truth found among religion like finding an estranged wife willing to reconcile.
Prolific lies among religion like finding a tick on a stray dog's head.
Prolific lies among politics like finding mold on a stale loaf of bread.
It is a fool's errand to separate church from state.
Denial that doctrine determines practice breads hate.
It is a joy for the son of man to see that both are manifest in one man.
Denial of individualistic morality a countries best hope no matter its lifespan.
Forever Momentary
It takes a lifetime to find god,
But a moment to let him find you;
One repentant prayer bridges the divide no man can trod.
It takes a lifetime to expel god's image; through and through,
But a moment to depart from his lush pasture sod.
One rebellious choice leaves destiny forever askew.
An Empty Tomb
There has only been one subject Jesus warned me to avoid teaching,
Who am I to speak of Gethsemane's cup he never stopped drinking?
There was only one tree in the garden Adam was warned to avoid eating,
Who are we to aspire to equality with the creator we are daily meeting?
Who am I but another Peter willing to deny my Lord if my accusers desist?
There was only one rabbi raising the moral bar even while he hung by the wrist.
Who are we to fathom the offense of mockers that strikes even deeper than their fist?
There has only been one man whose blood was powerful enough to leave sin dismissed.
There was only one man who entered hell's gates as a convict and walked out victorious.
Who am I but another friend missing your wedding feast while you invite the inglorious?
There has only been one to shed clothes of omniscience to dine with the notorious.
Who are we to root for you from sidelines and not join in your Father's work laborious?
Who am I to skip over the three'ish days you labored by Hades' lake the same as Galilee?
There was only one man who could have turned hell into heaven if he had stayed past three.
Who are we to point others to the tomb when it's often our hearts that are left empty?
There has only been one God who backs up his promise to send his spirit to make his home in me.
The scary truth for all to see
is that a cross and tomb are the center of eternity.
The profound truth that a lamb's slaughter outlast
every deed of present, future, and past.
The scary truth that every buffer zone
between God and man replaced by an invading throne.
The profound truth that all can receive
the power of the God-man Jesus if they just believe.