Honestly Hayden - Hayden's Bouquet of Blessings

Hold on Stay Strong

by Michelle Lovett Crumby



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/1/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781512754049
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781512754032

About the Book

Hayden’s Bouquet of Blessings is the first book from a collection of six books called Honestly Hayden. Hayden’s Bouquet of Blessings is an inspirational book, that teaches children how to see things from a positive perspective. It is the genuine act of compassion from one child to another. The heartfelt message to “Hold on Stay Strong,” through adversity are beautiful affirmations that Hayden received from her Glammi. Hayden’s Bouquet of Blessings is evidence that caring is sharing. It gives young readers the opportunity to gain self-acceptance by loving their own reflection, as well as identifying with others who might share some likeness. Delivering a spoonful of kisses; the tenderness of a hug and the warmth of a blanket, it is the declaration of beauty rather than ashes and roses as opposed to rocks. In its simplicity Hayden’s Bouquet of Blessings is a beautiful floral arrangement comprised of children of all colors, creeds and nationalities wrapped in a ribbon of love.

About the Author

Michelle Lovett Crumby is a contemporary author cut from vintage cloth. Writing has always been Michelle's passion. She began writing literature because of her love for poetry, in which she earned a Liberal Arts Degree. Michelle has written vignettes for small productions that captivated audiences with its humorous and thought provoking messages. After lending her writing skills to colleagues for various projects, Michelle decided it was time to join the ranks of other authors. Michelle is enamored with the resilience of children she feels that they navigate through life by learning from each other. It is with abundant pleasure that Michelle Lovett Crumby has labored and birthed a written collection of books called Honestly Hayden.