The Secrets of the Glass Slippers

God’s Fulfilling Approach to Love & Marriage

by Janice G. Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/29/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781973654643
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781973654636
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781973654629

About the Book

There are secrets about finding true love in the story of Cinderella! Take a journey with the author as she shares the revelations of God’s view about love and marriage as found in the one story that has changed the lives of millions of women for generations. What is it about the story of Cinderella that mesmerizes and captivates the attention of women to seek the prince at any cost? The author inspires and encourages the reader to see the value of a blessed marriage in the story of Cinderella from a spiritual perspective. The author clearly highlights the fact that the way women are approaching love and marriage is not yielding the results that they desire. She challenges women to approach love & marriage from God’s fulfilling approach in order to experience a true happily ever after story!

About the Author

Janice G. Johnson grew up in a loving Bajan home in Brooklyn, New York. Her favorite island in the Caribbean is her mother’s home of Barbados. She has been a member of the healthcare industry for over 35 years in the area of Information Technology. Janice holds a Masters of Public Administration: Health Services degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. She currently freelances and volunteers as a public relations & marketing consultant for non-profit, private and corporate business organizations. She loves gospel, jazz and country music. She enjoys community service, traveling, writing and making handcrafted spa products as part of her self-care and pampering rituals. Janice is currently a resident of the Garden State of New Jersey.