God's Path to Disease-Free Living

What the Scriptures Tell Us About Health

by Bob McCauley ND



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/7/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781512765946
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781512765939
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781512765953

About the Book

You cannot understand this book if you don’t read this preface. I almost subtitled this book A Christian Health Revolution because it is a truly revolutionary way to view health and how we ought to view the temple, our body, that God has given us. The ideas in this book will change your view of how health is actually obtained. It will challenge your understanding of your body and your obligation to honor it. It will cause you to waken your obligation to honor one of God’s most precise gifts, your body. Whether you are Christian or not, you will never think of yourself, your life and body in the same way after reading this book.

The health protocol explained in this book is the next revolution in Christianity. This revolution concerns the recognition that the temple of God is within us because our body literally is a temple of God. And it is a far more important temple than one built of wood, steel and brick. Do not feel that I am either accusing or ridiculing you about your present lifestyle and eating habits. On the contrary, this book is meant to encourage you to become aware of what God wants for us. If you desire to be amongst those who God calls His followers, then adopting this health protocol even to the slightest degree will help bring you closer to God. That I promise you.

About the Author

Bob McCauley, ND (Dr. Bob) is a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Certified Master Herbalist and owner of the Watershed Wellness Center in Lansing, MI. He has published several natural health books, including Confessions of a Body Builder: Rejuvenating the Body with Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water (2000), Achieving Great Health – The Seven Components of Great Health (2005), and The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water (2006). Some of his books have been translated into Spanish including this one.

Dr. Bob is the creator of the HAD Method to Natural Health – Hydrate, Alkalize and Detoxify Your Body, inventor of the Raw Food Pyramid and his Seven Component Natural Health Protocol. Dr. Bob is also the author of Twelve, a literary collection of short fiction. He has a line of all natural health products – many of which were mentioned in this book – called Dr. Bob’s Naturals.