Every Tribe---One Smooth Stone

by Troy Workman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/20/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9781512719611
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9781512719604
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9781512719628

About the Book

Extremists around the globe are waging jihad against Christians and slaughtering them at an alarming rate. When a small church group visits the Valley of Elah, the legendary site of David and Goliath, they are singled out and killed by extremists. One extremist eludes capture by Israeli authorities and makes it back to America, where he plots an even more audacious act.

Zoe and Zach Voss are twelve-year-old twins who must decide what it means to be a Jesus follower when extremism comes to America. Do the twins fight back? Do they cower and accept the inevitable? Or is there another avenue available to them?

Before their epic showdown with the extremist, something unexpected happens that will uniquely prepare them to confront this evil. Zoe and Zach are whisked away in the spirit and live out the biblical story of David and Goliath. They meet David just before he is anointed king by the prophet Samuel and stay with David through that fateful morning when he steps into the valley and kills Goliath. During their time with David, Zach learns how to throw smooth stones from a sling, and Zoe learns how to play the lyre.

After living through this spiritual encounter with David, Zoe and Zach learn to trust God, as seen through the eyes of David. They learn that the battle is the Lord’s, and God’s weapons are his written Word and his music. Zoe and Zach will have no other choice but to use these powerful weapons when they come face to face with extremism. But will it be enough?

About the Author

Troy Workman has a business degree from University of Nebraska and attended Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. He and his wife, Lissa, have two children and live near Atlanta. Follow Troy on Twitter @TroyLWorkman