Hospice provides quality of life not imminent death. Education in the community is vital since the purpose of hospice is so often misunderstood. There are mixed messages circulating because of the few states in America that allow physician assisted suicide. Most of the time there are two sides to every issue. This is one time there is not. Hospice is not about physician assisted suicide. Hospice attempts in every way possible, for each person, diagnosed with a terminal illness, regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, religion or financial situation to complete their journey with the greatest comfort at home surrounded family. Home is wherever the patient lives. Hospice nurses will go everywhere to care for patients. The key word here is care, not kill. As you read and learn from the following pages I want to know that I have cared for families who were scared. They were not sure whether they were making the right decision to take their loved one home and place on hospice service. I conveyed to them, you cannot make the wrong decision for your loved one because you do love them. Whatever you decide will be right. Trust in yourself and in God. Educating yourself with the information in this book will give you control. Always remember the ultimate decision on life and death is God, not man. This Book is about learning everything you can in a precise and condensed way. It is a tool of knowledge which will help you learn and understand that you are in control at even the most overwhelming and vulnerable time of your life. This book will help you turn the fear and pain of losing someone into a memorable, and yes, even joyous event for family and friends to cherish and pass to each generation to follow.
What does the word hospice mean? What is it for and who benefits from this organization? How many hospice organizations are in the United States and the world? How are they structured to benefit the patient and family? Who do you trust and what are the right questions to ask the doctor to find out if the patient and loved one is actually appropriate for this service? What questions will you ask the people who represent the hospice? What do you expect from the hospice you choose? How will you understand the difference in the medications that are given to your loved one? What medications are designed to accomplish comfort for loved one? Who decides the treatment plan and who is in charge of your loved one? What equipment is needed and provided? How is it sent to the home or facility and who pays for it? How is hospice paid for? Who decides the amount of care? Now as you read the following pages, I want you to educate and prepare yourself for the most stressful yet memorable experience with your loved one, from a last responder, who will help guide you on the journey with the knowledge you will need. The problems in the world could be solved through praying for direction from God first, followed by, the common sense of educating ourselves with the truth on the particular subject. Often, we pray for direction when we are at a loss and can no longer decide what to do. We want someone else to advise us. We want to trust an authority on the subject. Read, Learn, Pray then Act on the information I have provided to you. Benefit from hospice service for as long as possible.