A Searcher's Treasures
An Independent Study of God's Word
Book Details
About the Book
“A Searcher’s Treasures”
An Independent Study of God’s Word
This book presents interpretations both old and new, both from the writer’s own studies and from the learned works of others. It is intended to help get Bible reading and study above the horizon and into view so that society can realize the greatness of God and better understand Him. The book challenges common beliefs to a degree, but to a greater degree it builds upon the foundations laid by the Church of which Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone. The writer’s hope is that the more we know about God, the less we will question His ways and the more we will want to love, serve, and obey Him. The author feels that the greatest goal is to be precious in the Lord’s eyes, and there is no better way to do that than to introduce souls to His kingdom.
The book delves into the realms of questions long-begging for answers, such as the role of evil spirits, their potential purposes, and how they can be accepted as real but yet responsive to mental health treatments. The book also searches out such things as the beginning of man in God’s image, the age of the earth, and an intriguing study of how God may have always had specific time intervals in the working of His will.
About the Author
Paul M Sivey
Paul resides near Hilliard, Ohio, USA. He is a lifelong Christian who has been a member of the United Methodist Church, but has attended several denominations. His family encompasses a variety of Christian denominations including Baptist, Mennonite, and his wife Carol is Roman Catholic. He was called by God at an early age, even before he began grade school. He felt after the fact that various circumstances set him apart beginning about the fourth grade. Although he never attended a theological school, he maintained deep personal convictions as he farmed and as he practiced as a civil engineer. It is this scientific background, coupled with his strong faith, which has led him deep into Bible study and writing as his interest has always been to find and declare scientific/Biblical harmony. It is in this vein that this book was inspired, although it is much more than that. It is for the most part a treatise on Bible interpretation that has led him into contemplating the meanings of Scripture and the abilities of Jesus (especially) and all the Bible writers to address multiple audiences at the same time to educate or entertain/feed or confuse. He has been left with an enormous and ever-growing appreciation of God’s Word—the Bible—and has read its pages beginning nightly in the second grade when he was first given a Bible and a devotional by his godly mother.