Where’s Dad? I Thought We Were Supposed to Talk!

A Common-Sense Approach to Winning Life’s Battles and Restoring Our Culture.

by Pat Combs



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/27/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781512748734
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781512748727
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781512748741

About the Book

In this fast-moving modern world, an overwhelming number of fathers are missing from their families. Many of those who remain either do not understand their responsibilities or they simply ignore them. This is no small matter. Sons and daughters rely on dads to be the character-builders of the family—the ones who anchor the family and teach how to be individuals of integrity. Geared for youth, young adults, and parents, this guidebook provides practical knowledge that will help the reader confront the challenges of relationships and work while remaining devoted to Biblical principles. This guidebook helps young men and women discover family values. It also helps parents who want to share these values with their children. God gave mothers inherent abilities to nurture their babies. These abilities, combined with their wonderful gift of life, create mother and child relationships that exceed normal understanding. Girls, you have this very special gift; learn how to protect it and not abuse or diminish it. Worthy insights deliver valuable lessons about life, work, and faith. You will gain a positive perspective on how to confront important issues such as developing a character for success, understanding Biblical principles, re-establishing moral values, building family and other important relationships, preparing for and landing a good job, establishing a career, starting a business, understanding the free enterprise system, and securing financial freedom.

About the Author

Having retired from a successful career in business, Pat Combs pursued a righteous calling. He created an educational curriculum that enables incarcerated juveniles and young adults to overcome their impediments and realize their potential. His passion for teaching has led more than 1,000 individuals to successfully build a productive future and pursue a worthy vision for their lives.