This book is about what sons and daughters should learn as they travel the challenging path of life. In this age of broken families and parental confusion, an overwhelming number of fathers are literally missing. Of the dads who are present, many lack the knowledge about their role and some sadly ignore their parental responsibilities. Dads are the character-builders for their families. Dads are supposed to anchor the family and teach their children how to be individuals of integrity, who will fulfill the responsibilities of parenthood with fidelity.
When using the Word of God (Holy Bible) as a foundation, we are able to develop a character that can overcome harsh challenges and be successful. We soon discover that we have a lot in common with other people, and the prospect of a productive, self-reliant life becomes real for us. We sense that we too can be a player in restoring the American culture if we use the Word of God as a foundation. This becomes part of our progress, a part of our story.
Being responsible is shown by not arguing with mom. It is getting up and taking care of a responsibility. Being responsible is cooking dinner just to show appreciation for mom. It means doing the laundry without mom asking. Responsibility is completing…
A young man who desires to be a father has chosen the most important relationship-building project he will ever tackle. Likewise, the same goes for a woman who wants to be a mother. There is no greater responsibility than raising…
Without a mother’s highly valued moral influence, children will establish their own moral values. This is a guarantee that they will have difficulty making good decisions as well as establishing worthy relationships. This results in them having trouble developing good character. Without mom’s influence…
Marriage is an institution. It is two people, man and woman, who are committed to maintaining the institution. This means abiding by the rules of marriage, the vows made to each other. It is a promise to fidelity. The institution is a personal business partnership. The partners share in the challenges, responsibilities, and the rewards. The roles they play in the partnership secure the bond, strengthen the institution, and properly prepare…
Finding and securing a good-paying job in the current labor market demands near perfect preparation. Being properly prepared to look for work is essential. Not being properly prepared to look for work is like entering a cross-country foot race without shoes. The unprepared job seeker will suffer many defeating moments before finding a job. How well he or she is prepared determines…
A Professional Package is made up of documents that reveal the job applicant’s character, experience, and intellect. It is proof and verifies the statements and claims written in the letter or résumé. The package should contain copies of…
The Letter of Introduction is for the younger boy or girl who will be entering the labor market for the first time. It is for a young job searcher who does not have an established, provable work record. The employer is aware of that and is looking for character. A Letter of Introduction focuses on character qualities, but reflects upon…
The next twenty pages are devoted to describing two young men who encounter real life obstacles. It describes how they meet those challenges and turn obstacles into opportunities. Bandon Wilson and Frank London will serve as our examples. We will track Brandon from his sophomore year in high school to the completion of his…
Immediately following Brandon’s Letter of Introduction is an analysis of each paragraph including the finishing sentence. The bullet points explain what he wants to accomplish in each paragraph of his letter. Notice those words in bold print. Brandon knows that when the employer reads these particular words, a positive thought will “come to mind.” Brandon wants to create…
During his first two stays in Juvenile Hall, Frank did not take advantage of any opportunity made available to him. He did not maintain school credits, nor did he earn any awards for good conduct. But now it is different. Frank decides to spend his remaining months…
Frank’s résumé will list references from his previous employer, as well as from both his church and school staff. These people have known Frank for three years or slightly less. Two of his three references know something about Frank’s incarceration. It is unlikely that they will mention it because they are more willing to consider only that period of time during which Frank associated with them. As I said before, Frank will be prepared to answer questions, in a positive way, about his incarceration if it comes into discussion. Frank is now ready to write his résumé.
Unless a background check is required, the interview is generally the last step in the job application process. It is a job applicant’s opportunity to “close the deal” and land a job. The interview is where character/integrity really counts. The interviewer considers…
The majority of business owners have a strong connection with faith or religion. They have faith in themselves, but even more so, in God. When they are in their most difficult and pressing moments, business owners know that there is someone greater than themselves who desires to help – God.
These character qualities are the employees’ greatest assets. The absence or lack of them in their character is what causes them to lose their job. Employees must prove that their character is well-balanced in all three of these assets. I am saying that a “nice guy” attitude, by itself, may get the applicant the job but it will not keep them their job. It takes…
Manage your money and you will manage your life – mismanage your money and you will mismanage your life. It is that simple; a 99.9% guarantee. The methods you use to manage your money are the same methods used to manage your life.