Our GOD IS Able!

Declaring Our GOD'S Name, Power, and Praise

by Louise Duwli Brooks Koffa



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/13/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781512731415
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781512731422
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781512731439

About the Book

Our God Is Able bears witness to the marvelous miracle: mighty signs and great wonders and gifts of and through the Holy Spirit in accordance with God’s will made manifest even in these end times, as it was when Jesus the Lord walked the shores of Galilee.

The Lord our God is the only true and living God! He exercises dominion over all His works. He is eternally unchangeable in His nature and character, love, grace, and power to save, heal, and deliver. His Word is true, all-powerful, and does what it says. The Holy Bible is filled with amazing revelations about the kingdom of God with its transforming power: therein Jesus preached, taught, healed diverse sickness and diseases, saved, delivered, set the captives free, broke social barriers, and raised the dead! Alleluia! These things were written for our example and application by the power and authority in His holy name! Come what may, it is not over until God says it is over! The greatest miracle, however, is healing and wholeness of a sin-sicked soul! It is by, with, and through the Spirit of grace and truth that our lives were spared, and we overcame various captivities—personal challenges, the bloody (un)civil war, and most especially, a life-threatening situation. If the Lord God Almighty hadn’t sent us help from above, it would have all been long over.

About the Author

Louise Duwli Brooks Koffa is a Christian! She is the third of three children born unto her parents Madam Gbeh Boyonnoh Iris Reeves (RIP) and Mr. J Sackor Brooks I (RIP); three other siblings - three of the six are deceased (RIP); she is married and blessed with wonderful, loving children, and large extended family at home and abroad.

Louise Duwli completed High School, Undergraduate -BBA/Management at the University of Liberia (LU), and also Professional Studies in Liberia, and Pan African Institute for Development (PAIDWA), Cameroon, West Africa. She immigrated to the United States during the Liberia unCivil Conflict, and was blessed to further her education - obtained MSW/Widener University, Pennsylvania, and is a former Master In Divinity (MDiv) Student/Palmer Theological Seminary. As marvelous as these are, attesting to Apostle Paul, she counts all but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ …! She has over the years served in various capacities - both the public and private sectors as church worker, administrator, principal, social worker.

Louise Duwli extremely traumatized by the crisis, grieved the losses, but remained deeply grateful and highly appreciative to The Lord God Most High, she was spared along with others. She was inspired and began soul-searching to know His plan and purpose for her life. She later enrolled in the Monrovia Bible Training Center, the turning point of her Christian-Faith Journey, obtained Diploma in Pastoral Counseling, along with her husband. Prior to that, she envisioned herself a seasoned Liberian Diplomat like her aunt, Mrs. Angie Brooks (RIP), also a Former President of the United Nations General Assembly, completed Professional Studies in Diplomacy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Liberia, and enrolled in Ibrahim B Babangida Graduate School of International Studies, LU) in preparation for the Liberia Foreign Service. However, as wonderful as serving one’s country is, likened to ‘a malleable piece of clay in the Potter’s Hand,’ her zeal was divinely shifted to a higher dimension for the Master’s Service. Yes, that passionate response to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ – Kingdom Purpose, Kingdom Mission, Kingdom Building …, to the saving of souls everywhere, all to the Eternal Glory, Honor, Praise of the Rock of Our Salvation, which is unfathomably, far far greater and eternally rewarding! Praise Jesus!