What's Going On?

Why I Believe We Are the Rapture Generation

by Dr. Ed King



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781973638865
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781973638872

About the Book

Although the Bible tells us that no one knows the day or the hour of Jesus’s return, the Bible also shares solid information that illustrates how the signs of the times are lining up for Jesus’s return to the earth—and there are many signs appearing, and circumstances playing out, at this very time.

We are going to discuss many things in this book, including:

  • Is the rapture a real thing?
  • Who is really going to make it to heaven?
  • Who is going through the Tribulation?
  • What part does Israel play in this process?
  • What are the signs of Jesus’s appearing?
  • Does the National Security Agency play a part in all of this?

What’s Going On? focuses on biblical truths found in the book of Revelation and other prophetic books of the Bible, and it also looks at how the realities of the Bible’s prophecies affect us today. Current events are shaping our future in dramatic ways, and Bible prophecy is on target and credible in today’s world. Author and senior pastor Dr. Ed King explains what it means for us to be the rapture generation, and he helps believers identify the signs of Jesus’s return.

Many of us will have the incredible opportunity to witness the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ before we breathe our last breaths. But we must be spiritually prepared to welcome the Lord and be part of His coming kingdom, and What’s Going On? can help all believers who desire to understand where we are in these end times.

About the Author

Dr. Ed King has a strong prophetic calling with the God-given ability to recognize how current events relate to the end times, and he bases his beliefs and teachings on God’s Word. Dr. King is founder and senior pastor of Redemption Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, where he has served for the last forty years. He is also the president of the Power of the Word television ministry, which broadcasts both nationally and internationally. In addition to traveling the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ at leadership conferences and evangelistic meetings, he is also the author of six other books. He and his wife and co-pastor, Nora King, reside in Knoxville.