Fallen Justice

A Mystery of Truth, Faith, and Reason

by Lee Wallace & Editor Dr. Pam Pryfogle EdD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781973638575
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781973638568
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781973638551

About the Book

Truth, faith, and sound reasoning collide with criminal justice after a toddler dies from catastrophic head injuries allegedly inflicted by a young mother at her daycare center. Her fight against murder charges is fraught with numerous unexpected and inexplicable roadblocks and struggles that often tests her faith in the justice system, a loving God, and in others. However, the names of all individuals, businesses, entities, and locations are fictional and any names resembling an actual person, living or dead, are purely coincidental. However, all facts and events are as they actually happened and documented by personal and court records.

Although written from the perspective of a paralegal and the mother of the defendant, it is not an analysis or critique of all the legal and medical forensic issues involved. However, important evidence and facts not previously known by the media, the public, the judge, and jury are revealed.

The first postscript to the story discusses several criminal justice defects and makes radical suggestions that will make the systems more efficient and just.

The second postscript discusses several medical myths associated with children’s short-distance falls (SDF), Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), and intentional infliction of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). It also recaps some of the latest forensic research and discoveries that explain alternative causes to claims of child abuse.

Finally, this story encourages faith in God and developing an eternal perspective when life is not fair and does not make sense.

About the Author

Author, Lee Wallace, was born at the dawn of the atomic age in 1942 near Oak Ridge, Tennessee, one of thirteen children. She professed faith in Christ and was baptized as a seven-year old. Today, Lee is a mother, grandmother, and a great-grandmother. She lives in Riverside County, California and attends church in the area.
Lee has more than twenty-five years of experience writing as a paralegal. Lee’s goal in writing this fictionalized account of her real-life experiences is to inspire, educate, and encourage those facing similar circumstances. For privacy reasons, the identities of all individuals, professionals, public and private entities, dates, and places have been changed.
Co-author/editor, Dr. Pam Pryfogle, EdD, is an Early Childhood and Education Professor at California Baptist University, Riverside, California, and an experienced editor. Pam served in the region of Lira, Uganda as a Purpose Driven Practitioner and PEACE Ambassador through Saddleback Church of Lake Forest, California. Pam has most recently traveled with her filmmaker son to Northern Uganda to work with village wives. She also facilitates two support groups and provides counseling to individuals seeking purpose and direction through the crises in their lives.
Pam is an author and researcher. As an Early Childhood Content Expert, Pam journals her life’s experiences and incorporates her writing in her blog https://travelinggrace.wordpress.com/. Her most recent published work is Adversity Influencing Regard for Education in Northern Uganda: A Phenomenological Study of Langi Mothers’ Value of Learning.
Pam lives in St. Maries, Idaho. She is a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) working with children taken by the court from their homes and placed in Foster Care. Pam is blessed to be the mother of five and the grandmother of nine. Care of her three youngest grandchildren occupies much of her time.