Poetry, Humor, Thoughts and Ideas

by Merle A. Barlow



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/18/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781490883830
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781490883823
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781490883847

About the Book

Poetry, Humor, Thoughts and Ideas is a collection of three topics. Being a mixture of these topics, I have used the term “potpourri” to define this diverse assembly of literary selections.

Between the covers of this book is a variety of serious, humorous, and profoundly truthful concepts.

The first section is a collection of original poems that identify some of my experiences and feelings, and is therefore a partial reflection of the author’s personality.

The second section is a modest offering of humor. There is no frown that cannot be replaced by a smile when you discover some delightful distraction.

The third section of this potpourri is presented in two parts, and provides a broad range of thoughts and ideas that relate to many aspects of our lives. The first part of this section presents detailed concepts as contrasted with the relatively brief thoughts of the second part that consists of a miscellaneous collection of thoughts and ideas regarding various subjects such as philosophy, politics, religion, and Christianity.

You will discover that this book contains some poem, or some humor, or some thought or idea that will pique your interest—something that you will not forget—and more importantly, something you will not want to forget. That is the power of ideas that affect and influence our personalities, characters, sensibilities, experiences, desires, and expectations.

About the Author

Author Merle Barlow is an Evangelical Christian. Subsequent to professional retirement, Merle has worked full-time as a substitute teacher, tutor, and spiritual mentor with Calvary Christian High School in Clearwater, Florida. Bible teaching, reading, writing (Christian faith and technical articles), literature, poetry, chess, and athletic activities are among his many passions.