S.H.I.P.S. (Successful and Healthy Interactions through Prayer and Supplication)

My Story: The Type of Woman You Are Will Determine How Successful Your Friendships and Relationships Are with Others

by Jameelah N. Barnett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/21/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781490863436
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781490863443

About the Book

S.H.I.P.S. (Successful and Healthy Interactions through Prayer and Supplication)

How many times have you heard women complaining about their crazy friendships and relationships with other women? Well, I know I am definitely one of the women who complain about my friendships and relationships with other women. I have to admit that my interactions with other women have not been the best, but not all of them were bad. The reason for the book S.H.I.P.S. (Successful and Healthy Interactions through Prayer and Supplication) is to help other women build healthy relationships and friendships with other women. This book talks about many different types of women I have encountered in my life. I talk about many types, from the selfish all the way to the comforting.

This book includes short stories and ends with Bible scriptures you can reference when dealing with certain types of women—or even reference for yourself— in the word of God.

The purpose of this book is for women to become the Christian women that God called them to be. Join me in my S.H.I.P.S. movement.

About the Author

Jameelah Barnett is a native of Kansas City, Missouri, and now resides in Dallas, Texas. She has a Master’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in public relations. This is her first book, and she knows that God has truly placed it on her heart to share her experiences with other women. She has a passion for encouraging and motivating others to be the best that God wants them to be. She also has a passion for writing poetry. Jameelah is a certified professional coach and continues to coach and mentor others in order for them to become successful and change their lives for the better. She started her own business called JNB Works, which is a coaching and consulting firm that empowers, encourages, and motivates young adult and adult women to be the best women that God has called them to be. She is the wife of Ronald and has a host of family members, including many nieces and nephews. She continues to serve God in many capacities and will continue to follow her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.