Our maker did not put us on this earth and then abandon us with no regard for our safety and well being. He put everything we would need to live well, to eat well, and to use for the medicines we would need, long before the words grocery or pharmacy were thought of, and when he was satisfied that we could survive on our own, he allowed man the privilege of his own free will. Then he gave us his Son, who told us:
Mark 4: 22-25
"All that is hidden will someday come to light. If you have ears, listen." And be sure to put intopractice what you hear. The more you do this, the more you will understand what I tell you. To him who has shall be given; from him who has not shall be taken away even what he has.
-Jesus Christ
I believe that God’s plan for man, in part, was that he put something in each of his people, the rest of us would need for our beautifully planned lives; for us to be able to live happily, peacefully and well, together, here in the world he made for us. That is why the bible tells us, repeatedly, to love and care for one another: because each time one of our lives is lost, we all lose something that was valuable to mankind!
1st Peter 4: 10
God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God’s many kinds of blessings.
I believe that along with the abilities God has given each of us, all human beings have been created with the God-given gift of knowledge needed, to make the world a better place. It may be that one would find a cure for one type of disease or physical malfunction that we would encounter during our lifetimes. One person holds or held in his mind, that gift, for the cure for a type of cancer. Another person held or still holds the cure for other types. Another person was given the gift of knowing the secret of how to cure Diabetes. Another, for how to prevent heart attacks, another, the cure for the common cold, etc. Other people hold the knowledge of the way to solve many of the problems we face in our world, that some believe to be God’s fault. I believe that in every generation there are certain people, selected by God, who hold the seeds for the key to world peace, and if those selected people know God and follow the instincts he gave them, they will meet, and it will happen, but if even one of those people never knows God, or refuses to listen to his own inner voice, giving him God’s direction; we will continue to live in strife.
1 Corinthians 3: 16
Don’t you realize that all of you together are the house of God, and that the spirit of God lives among you in his house?
I also believe that if we, God’s creations, turn away from him in our lifetimes, our own gift is nullified. Those who lived here before us, held the gifts of the cures for the diseases and answers to the problems of their day and many of those people died, never suspecting they held a God-given gift, because they never knew God. For that reason, many of the world’s problems and diseases were carried forward.
Many more will lose their gifts for the same reason, and when that happens, the rest of us will never know what we have missed out on. We will go on living in an incomplete world; God’s gifts never having been recognized or put to use, for the good of us all, and we will continue to rail against God for what we feel we have been unfairly burdened with, or cheated of! We will continue to struggle through life, never knowing of the power our maker intended for us; that we forfeited through our own arrogance of refusing to believe that there was a greater force in our world, than ourselves. Another coup for God’s enemy!
1st Corinthians 3: 13-15
There is going to come a time of testing at Christ’s Judgment Day to see what kind of material each builder has used. Everyone’s work will be put through the fire so that all can see whether or not it keeps its value and what was really accomplished. Then every workman who has built on the foundation with the right materials, and whose work still stands, will get his pay. But if the house he has built burns up, he will have a great loss. He himself will be saved, but like a man escaping through a wallof flames.
So the reason we roam blindly through life, bumping heads and stepping over one another, pushing and shoving to get ahead, hating our fellowman, harboring jealousy and revenge, and suffering from an endless string of diseases that we can't find a cure for?
Suppose it is because; when a man accidentally witnessed his boss cheating on his wife, and as a result lost his job and was unable to find another; the man was left with no income and lost all of his possessions, along with his wife and children. Suppose that he then became a hopeless alcoholic and died face down, on the sidewalk.
That man, with the holes in his shoes and the smelly clothing, whom you or I might have unknowingly scoffed at or stepped over, as he lay there dying; that man, though he had not yet been aware of it, might have held the gift of knowledge needed, for the cure for a type of cancer! Suppose God put it safely in his mind and said, "Thou shall not commit adultery." But the man's boss hadn't listened to God's words, and we are still searching for a cure for that cancer!
James 1:14-16
Temptation is the pull of man's own evil thoughts and wishes. These evil thoughts lead to evil actions and afterwards to the death penalty from God. So don't be misled, dear brothers.