Yah’s Last Word to America

The Blasphemy of False Identity

by Dr. Desmond A. Mattocks



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/5/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781490862606
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781490862620
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781490862613

About the Book

If only “we the people” of America could understand that the American Revolution was only a mere political upheaval compared to the moral war we now face. We are divided in morals and ethics more than in culture, wherein truth is more an option than a necessity. Ever since time began, the most celebrated nations have been those that have abridged the exorbitant chasm between morality and secularism, between feelings and principles, righteousness and unrighteousness. America appears to have joined the infamous tradition of derelict and ungodly nations that have surrendered their integrity for power and wealth, like ancient Babylon. In this The Last Word to America, the intent is to paint a living portrait of the ways in which America has abandoned divine counsel—how Washington, significant events, and personalities have shaped personal experience. It explores music and the perverse arts, through which philosophers are damaging our young people and the families of America are sullied.

About the Author

Dr. Desmond A. Mattocks was born in Jamaica but immigrated to England as a young boy. He is a biblical counselor and court-certified mediator. He holds a PhD in Christian counseling and an MBA. Mattocks has appeared on the 3ABN TV, Today, and Issues and Answers programs. His other books include Redemption Therapy, Sketches of an Epoch, A King of Capernaum, and Broken Family—Fractured Society.