This book was written to share how my life changed when I finally understood who I was in Christ. I was thinking that the change took place in my flesh.
Therefore I was trying to please God by the things I did and not by what Jesus did in my spirit. I didn’t even know that I had a spirit. I was truly confused in my walk with God. When I finally found out what part of me changed when I received salvation, it changed my entire life. I realize now that there are a lot of God's people who have never been exposed to teaching about who they are in their spirit. Some don't even know that they have a spirit. They are trying to know God by their feelings like I was. For years I lived a defeated life as a Christian. I did not know the truth about what God did in my spirit. But thank God for the revelation that has been revealed to the Church in these last days. I never really understood what the scripture in John 4:24 meant when it said that God is a Spirit and they that worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
As a result of not understanding what it meant to worship God in the spirit, I served God by my feelings and emotions instead of the truth of His word. I lived in a state of confusion and despair. I was trying to know God by what I thought the Word was saying. If God is a spirit and we were made in His image then we must have a spirit also. We have the Holy Spirit on the inside and He is always ready to lead and guide us into all the truth of God's word. I thank God for those who have been given a revelation of the grace of God and the work that God has done in us through Christ Jesus. I had to allow the Holy Spirit to make this revelation of the finished work of Jesus real to me. I would feel the presence of God sometimes and at other times I asked God, where are you? Now I understand how much God loves me and what He did in me. It makes you look at yourself and others differently. You really will know no man anymore by the flesh. You will see him as Christ sees him. You can forgive others freely because of what Christ has done in your spirit. You will not perform to please God because you will know that He is pleased with you because of what Jesus did. Once I received this truth, I began to renew my mind. Now I know every good thing that is in me came through Christ Jesus. Instead of living in the flesh, which is a way of thinking that does not line up with the word of God, you too can live in your spirit, by renewing your mind in the Word, "that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." (Philemon 1:6 NKJV)
You are a spirit and you live in a body and you possess a soul. (1Thessalonians 5:23) The spirit is the real you! Your soul houses your mind, emotions, etc. Your body is the house your spirit and soul live in. You were made in the image of God.
When you were born again, He filled you with Himself! You as a believer have the Kingdom of God in you (Luke 17:21)! A revelation of the truth of what Jesus actually did in us will get rid of the lies that we have been taught over the pulpit, about ourselves and God's word. A lack of knowledge of who we are in our spirits and how much God really loves us, has caused much despair in the body of Christ. This is the result of not knowing or understanding God's love for us. This has resulted in a performance gospel in the church, instead of the Gospel that Paul preached.
We have tried to perform to please God, rather than just receive by faith what God has already done through Jesus. This has caused some to leave the church and even to live lives contrary to the Word. Some have even become angry with God right in the church because they felt that they had performed and still were not able to receive what they performed for. They have felt because they are not good enough or they did not perform well enough, God is not pleased with them. These are some of the reasons why I am now sharing how knowing who I am in Him and how much He loves me has gotten rid of all the things that held me back and stopped me from achieving in life. It even changed what I thought about myself. I used to be afraid that God would not bless me if I did not measure up to His standard. Now because of what Jesus did in my spirit, I know that I am pleasing to God. I now understand that the newness of life took place in my spirit. My mind has to be renewed in the Word to see the change that took place in my spirit. The work that Jesus did on the cross is a finished work. When you make Jesus Lord by faith in God's word the work is finished in you; you are complete in Christ (Colossians 2:9-10). God is pleased with you, not because of what you have done or haven't done, but He is pleased with you because of what Jesus has done!!!! The truth of who I am in my spirit has allowed me to receive a revelation, instead of just information about the truth of how much God really loves me. Now I know why Jesus loves me. There is a New Me in the Spirit.