God Brought Me Home

by Sameidra Carter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/10/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781512744385
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781512744378

About the Book

This book explores the life of a young girl named Mia during a hot summer on the south side of Chicago and an encounter with a family member that changed her life.

About the Author

The author Sameidra Carter is a mother and wife. She has five lovely children Sameia, Ayla, William, Roman and Matthias. Her greatest joy in life is birthing all of them. God has blessed her to travel the world and find love far away. She takes pride in her relationship with her husband Glenn who she is convinced was sent by God to help experience real love. She is spiritually driven and trust completely in God. She is supported deeply by her younger sister Ronnie where most of her strength and direction comes from. Sameidra took her life experience as a blessing and wants the world to discover the stories she feel often go untold. She wants people of all ages to read her books and uncover their own truths. She wants to keep some mystery about her life yet make herself vulnerable to everyone. She is an open book with a few closed chapters. She is loving and sweet sometimes, yet ruff and unpredictable at other time. Sameidra is a brown beauty full of life, laughter and fun.