The Law of Spiritual Transformation
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”
Romans 12:2
For years, pastors, teachers, ministers, and scholars worked diligently to find ways to help people transform their thinking and ultimately change their lives. I count myself among them. To bring about change in a global society, we need a deeper understanding of Spiritual Transformation and new models for teaching and learning.
This book brings forth an enhanced level of spiritual understanding that ordinary people can use to transform their thinking, and ultimately renew their minds. I introduce original thought that emerged from my doctoral research on transformative learning. (Caruth, D. 2000) My research findings expanded upon research by Jack Mezirow (1991).
I also drew upon wisdom gained from my understanding of scripture, diversity, and experiential knowledge of poverty in all of their complexities. I share knowledge gained from higher education, having read hundreds of books, biblical studies with pastors and ministers, and having attended church and ministerial conferences, where Apostles, Bishops, Pastors and Ministers enhanced my understanding.
The Spiritual Transformation I discuss in this book is not an emotional experience that can be easily described and understood. It is a scripture-based process of healing that transforms the psycho-cultural assumptions that distort the way we see ourselves. I introduce 6 Keys of Spiritual Transformation that illuminates a new process of learning, and will enhance your understand of Romans 12:2.
After more than 10 years of utilizing and evaluating the effectiveness of this scripture-based model of transformational learning, I noticed that it worked in multiple settings: my personal relationships, the work environment, and especially when I used it to provide spiritual guidance so people can better navigate difficult challenges in their lives. That was the rewarding part.
The more challenging part was putting pen to paper and revealing a new level of understanding to the scrutiny of my wife Debra (an Ordained Minister in her own right), my family, and the discerning minds of my colleagues in the faith community. I am especially grateful Debra read multiple rough drafts of this book, and made suggestions that improved my work.
Shortly after I started writing this book, I realized that I would have to share parts of my spiritual journey to becoming a Teacher, in the Biblical sense. Sharing my spiritual journey, or personal testimony of the glory and power of God, has enabled me to fulfill the call on my life to teach people how to transform their thinking and renew their minds.
I was led by the Spirit and visited numerous churches. I bore witness to how pastors and ministers used their spiritual gifts to encourage people to change their behaviors. Most of them used Wisdom, Faith, and Exhortation to teach people how to transform their thinking. The 6 Keys of Spiritual Transformation will infuse your preaching and teaching with spiritual understanding, and will enhance your efforts to bring about the change people seek to inherit the Kingdom of God, and live more abundant lives.
While on this spiritual journey, during the course of normal conversations, I listened. People I encountered spoke about challenges they faced, including various forms of abuse, marital strife, alcohol and drug use, poor health, or financial issues caused by poverty, job loss or divorce. They expressed frustration with their inability to bring about permanent change in their lives. Their lack of success in finding permanent solutions to their problems caused many of them to lose faith in God, the power of prayer, the Holy Scripture, and often led them down paths towards spiritual brokenness, unhealthy relationships, and into poverty.
To help people break free from what they described as debilitating challenges in their lives, I used the spiritual gifts deposited in me by the Holy Spirit to determine when, and how to use the 6 Keys to speak into their lives. Using this scripture-based model of teaching enabled me to communicate spiritual truths revealed by my obedience to teach the Word of God.
The 6 Keys of Spiritual Transformation, together with a deeper understanding of Romans 12:2, has led to a model of learning and teaching techniques that will bridge gaps in your understanding of diverse segments of society. Your attention to details in each of the 6 keys will enable you to receive spiritually empowered teaching. This enhanced level of spiritual understanding will help people from diverse racial/ethnic groups and cultural backgrounds transform their thinking, change their actions, and develop new worldview of what is possible.