The Original Sin and Human Diseases
Third Edition
Book Details
About the Book
This text is unique; it is the first book of its kind that challenges the theory of evolution by the word of God. In the text, it will be proved beyond doubt that the word of God is powerful with a two-edged sword. It divides asunder and exposes the counterfeit and the false. Not only that, but it proves the validity of the arguments by using medical and surgical studies of the patients’ ailments. The author is a scientist and a surgeon. He studied anatomy and embryology in full details that makes him argue with confidence. The doctrine of creation has a solid foundation which is the true word of God. The author used the results of surgical procedures that are done by spiritual knowledge compared to others done by natural man, whose knowledge is based on the theory of evolution. These have changed the procedures from difficult and complicated, to a single day procedure with financial gains to the patient and to the public. The relation between sin, diseases, and death is studied and proved beyond doubt. The salvation by justification, sanctification, and righteousness is explained and also proved beyond doubt. Man is created and evolved to a higher degree of holiness by the working power of the Holy Spirit, contrary to evolution by genetic mutation and natural selection that might promote the man to a high intellectual standard, but this usually brings low moral value with it, that at the end lead to death from moral decay, alcoholism, and drug addiction. The evolution is produced by knowledge and experience, and it caries with it, away from God, all the destructive elements to humans.
About the Author
The author is a devoted Christian, born in Luxor, Egypt. He loves his Lord, who gave him knowledge, wisdom, discernment, and prudence. His love is a working love that persuaded him to serve patients, and for that reason he studied medicine, and then obtained postgraduate degrees in surgery. The subject he loves most is anatomy, and he determined to search for the truth. Darwin’s theory started to show its dirty look under the light of the word of God. The practice of surgery by the Christian mind, compared to that of the atheist, puts a stamp of approval on the doctrine of creation and demolishes others.