Praying for Forgiveness from A–Z

Seeking God's Forgiveness from Sin

by Fay Gunter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/27/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781490845715
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781490845692
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781490845708

About the Book

Sin. It’s such a common word, especially in the Christian culture. Even though it’s a little word in the dictionary, it’s a very big word in our lives and how God views us as a people. Each and every person who has ever lived on earth, except for Jesus Christ, has sinned. We are all born into sin. Although our human nature doesn’t like to consider ourselves as sinners and we often struggle with calling ourselves sinners, it’s a fact of life that we can’t ignore. What do we do about sin? Do we try to deny or hide from the fact that we sin? Do we admit to ourselves that we sin? Do we look on our sins as not so bad compared to other people’s? Do we feel guilty about our sin or only regret the sin when we’ve been caught? Do we enjoy the sin and not want to give it up? Do we think of sin as really bad or just what everyone does, and it’s a part of life? Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary calls sin “reprehensible.” If a dictionary gives the meaning of sin as something so horrible sounding, what in the world does our God who is Holy, think about sin? Has our prayer life become stagnant because of our sin? Can we actually separate ourselves from a loving Father because of our sin? Even when Christ lives in us and His blood has washed away our sin, we still sin and will until the day we pass from this earth. How do we draw closer to God when we know that we have sinned and haven’t repented?

About the Author

Fay asked Jesus into her life when she was eight years old. However, over the years, she has chosen many paths that have led her down the road of sin. Although she has learned many lessons from her sins, she knows God has not been pleased with the sinful choices she has made. This is a personal journal of the journey that God has taken her on to reveal her sins to her so she could be free from the burden of carrying them around.


Fay has lived in the buckle of the Bible Belt all her life. She is married to a wonderful husband, and they have two beautiful children and a beautiful daughter-in-law. She is a speech-language pathologist, and she has a passion to help people communicate better. She hopes those who read this book will discover better communication with a loving God.