Grandfather’s Journal

A Grandson’s Journey into His Grandfather’s Life

by Tom Maxwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/15/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781490850856
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781490850849
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781490850863

About the Book

In 2012, after sharing a number of sea stories with my only grandson, I was told I needed to write a life journal to include my years as a child in the Philippine Islands just following World War II. The journal, which addressed a time from June 7, 1935 to December 28, 2013, includes the important events of my life, including my twenty-seven years in the US Navy. As could be expected, there are more reflections from my years as a naval aviator, flying combat missions in Vietnam and numerous secret missions against the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Not as exciting, but just as important, was my journal following my naval service after my retirement in December 1982. Most importantly, I have shared what took place in my life on June 9, 1977, two days after my 42nd birthday and two days before my oldest son graduated from high school, when I accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of my life. This event radically changed my life and immediately healed a broken family. It also addressed the thirty-plus years in which I was called as a volunteer to serve the least of these in our prison systems. If I have a desire for the journal, it would be that it encourage others to address the importance of their spiritual needs before age forty-two and that it would challenge my grandchildren in their walk with Christ.

About the Author

Captain Tom Maxwell (USN ret.) was born on June 7, 1935 in Greenville, Tennessee, the son of a nationally-travelling military officer. He attended Kemper Military School and the Naval Postgraduate School. He served twenty-seven years as a naval aviator followed by thirty years in the business world. He has been married to Betty Ann Dowling for fifty-seven years.