I’ve lived through this life and its trials
With many a hardship and care;
But with always a hope in the future,
A spot up in heaven I’d share.
I’ve done many things I’m ashamed of;
It’s the human side of my life,
But where there is life there is weakness
In this world of turmoil and strife.
I’ve done what I could for my family;
I gave them the best that I had;
But at times I feel that I failed them,
And it always makes me feel sad.
I haven’t set the example
That God intended I should;
I haven’t drawn their attention
Enough to things that were good.
As my whole life passes before me
With both the good and the bad,
It’s the times I’ve spent with my family
Were the best I ever have had..
It’s the times I’ve spent with my children
That can never be taken away,
Nor the memory of love and affection
They found in their hearts to display.
They’ve brought me a wee bit of Heaven
Right down here on the earth.
They’ve helped me over the rough spots
With their sunshine, laughter and mirth.
They’ve softened my heart with their kindness
And lightened the load I must bear.
They’ve always thought of my comfort
And loved me more than my share.
So when the voice of the Master
Shall call back this life that He gave,
The worshipful love of my children
Will follow me into my grave.
I know that what e’er befalls me;
Wherever I’m destined to go;
The times I have spent with my children
Will be part of my Heaven, I know.
Your loving Dad
We can’t relive our yesterdays
While passing through life’s way.
We can’t undo the things we’ve done;
Take back the things we say.
We can’t take back the pain we’ve caused
By malicious, thoughtless talk.
We cannot fill the footprints
Of others as they walk.
But we can improve upon our thoughts
And on the things we say.
We can make sure we don’t malign
Some poor lost soul today.
We can try to go throughout today
Without an evil thought.
We can keep our minds from going astray
With all the will we’ve got.
We can govern our tomorrows
And keep our conscience clear.
We can spend more of our tomorrows
In spreading love and cheer.
We’ll find that life’s more pleasant
In this world of grief and strife,
If we share our lot with others
As we wind our way through life.
We’ll find there’s far more pleasure
In the course of doing good,
And if live our lives in the pattern
That we think that others should.
Spring, with its sunshine and its rain
Will start the flowers growing again.
The earth will respond to the warmth from the sun
And finish the work that nature’s begun.
All nature will welcome the increase in light
To shorten the gloomy darkness of night.
All life will start its cycle anew,
When the world bids the cold winter adieu.
There will be work and toil as before;
There’ll be spring cleaning and scrubbing the floor.
Then summer will come with its picnics and play,
And we’ll hate to retire at the end of the day.
The beach will be crowded for a place in the sun,
And the young and old will frolic as one.
The sun will turn people the color of gold,
And bring one pleasure and romance untold.
Next will come fall with its frost-laden morn,
With its vivid colors the trees to adorn.
The air will be tangy and pleasant to breathe,
One of the assets that nature bequeaths.
The children start school and mothers relax
From waiting on kids and getting them snacks.
With winter coming there’s much more to do
Before fall housecleaning and canning is through.
Now will come winter with its snowstorms and sleet,
Its slipping, sliding and freezing of feet.
There’ll be shoveling of snow from the driveway and walk
Disrupted by neighbors stopping to talk.
Of all of the beauties the seasons unfold,
The winter’s white snow is a sight to behold.
There’ll be snow-sledding and skiing that gives one such fun.
We’ll be kind of sorry that winter is done.
We must learn to accept the bad with the good
And continue to live as we think others should.
Afflictions and pleasures will temper our will
And help us each our goals to fulfill.
We can rest assured the seasons will change;
It’s nothing we can help or rearrange.
So be prepared to be at our best;
It’s the everyday living that gives us the test.
When one beholds the glory of the evening sky
Reflected in the setting sun,
We must believe there is a God
That rules the elements and the universe.
Only One omnipotent could create such infinite beauty.
Only He could originate the array of colors
That are beyond the scope of human comprehension.
Only He could conceive the diversity of shades and tints
In that matchless, ethereal cyclorama.