Free to Fly

A Novel of Post-Abortion Healing

by Savannah Grace Groden



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/14/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781449792787

About the Book

Chelsea knew her child was in heaven and living out his destiny with his heavenly Father. Why, then, was she still in so much pain? The abortion was supposed to be quick and painless, with no lingering after-effects. What could explain the emotional outbursts and the heaviness that weighed on her heart like a cloak? Free to Fly is a story about post-abortion healing, set in the small town of Purchase, Kansas. Chelsea Livingston moved from Purchase to St. Louis, Missouri, and through a series of poor decisions, endured the trauma of a rape and a resulting abortion. She is driving home to her grandparents' farm, and the members of the Purchase Community Church to find healing and restoration for her wounded soul and spirit. She encounters help along the way in the form of lay pastor Dane Ross, who fights his own feelings of attraction to give her time to heal. Chelsea finds herself fitting back into small-town life with a new sense of destiny, a new career in photography, and a newfound respect for the hometown she left behind. Deep in her heart, she is still trying to make sense of her feelings of loss and pain. She knows she needs help, but vows to keep the secret of her abortion carefully hidden. Coaxed by her friends, family, and loving Father, she begins to surrender her secret to one person at a time and begin her healing journey.

About the Author

Free to Fly was born out of a post-abortion healing class. Two very gracious and loving women of God walked me through the process of receiving God's love and forgiveness. Our last session included a challenge to use our talents to spread the message of God's unfailing love to other post-abortive women. This story is a response to that challenge. I hope that as you read this book, you will hear the Father say, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” I found His arms wide open.