When Over Thinking Is Your Weakness
You have a heart so tender you want everything handled in a correct way. However when you over think, you are distracted by what God is trying to say.
See, with every plan there is instructions that God will tell you to do. Some instructions He gives as you go, to limit the confusion of thought you choose.
Having faith comes by steps which build over time. You take the first step in which the Lord has instructed to do. After this He gives step number two.
God understands and knows all of our ways. If He told us all of our journey in life our brain could not make it through a day.
So do not over think your instructions or allow any doubt.
For God is God and He has it all figured out.
Mary J.S. Ammons July 25, 2012
Acts chapter 11:1-17
Peter through faith over came over thinking. Peter in Acts chapter 10 had received a vision from the Lord of his next assignment. He was to go to Caesarea to a man by the name of Cornelius. God arranged for Cornelius to send three men to escort Peter to him. Acts 10:20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them. So as Peter was instructed he went. Acts 11:4 But Peter rehearsed the matter from the beginning, and exponded it by order unto them saying,
Peter then began to tell the people about the vision. Noticed in verse 10 of chapter 11 God has repeated the answer to Peter three times. In verse 12 of chapter 11 the light bulb came on. Peter then had the confidence to proceed with his mission. vs.12. And the Spirit bade me to go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man’s house:
Look down at verse 15&16 of Acts 11. This is what happens when we follow Gods instructions with no doubt.
15 And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning. Vs16. Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Vs17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God.