A Moment In Time

Issues That Enhance Spiritual Multiplication

by Mark Spencer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/22/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781449748463
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781449748470
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781449748487

About the Book

A Moment in Time will encourage believers to entertain principles of grace-based theology and, after careful consideration, embrace them. When we’re convinced of the gracious simplicity in acquiring the free gift of eternal life, it impacts how we share our faith. When we’re confident this free gift can’t be lost, it calms us down. When we’re certain Christ will repay and recompense us for what we do with this free gift, we’re motivated to “be holy” as He is holy. In looking at the biblical text, Christians will be reminded that justification is provided at no cost to them. They’ll see there’s room for failure in the Christian life. But they’ll also learn where there’s great grace, there’s great accountability--and great reward.

It is wonderful to see this fresh look at many of the grace issues at a popular level. Mark Spencer has given us an insightful look into the implications of grace in the task of evangelism and discipleship. Recommended reading!!
--Dr. Joseph Dillow

Mark Spencer has the wonderful ability to communicate deep biblical truths in an interesting and straightforward way. The reader will find a clear articulation of the grace message and convincing arguments against those who have corrupted it. I am glad to see this comprehensive and persuasive presentation of the gospel of grace and its implications. It will serve us well as we seek to share this message with the world.
--Dr. Charlie Bing

This is a book that needs to be taken seriously as a helpful guide to developing a strategic plan to be servants of Christ in our areas of influence. As Mark said, his last 25 years as a police officer went by overnight - so how fast will the years fly by in our lives? We all have a mission and an obligation to be useful to the Master.
--Dr. John South

About the Author

Mark Spencer is a retired twenty-five year Phoenix Police Officer. As the president of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, he served more than 2,300 Phoenix Police Officers and Detectives of the largest police association in Arizona. He graduated with honors with a B.S. in finance from Northern Arizona University (1985) and with an M.A. in exegetical theology from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (1993). In 1986, Mark and his wife Shannon met in Bangkok, Thailand, during a summer project with Campus Crusade for Christ. They live in Phoenix, Arizona and have two children, Caleb and Abigail.