The Heavens Declare the Glory of God!
The Pearly Gates, Masterpieces by the Master
Book Details
About the Book
What you are about to look at is actual photographs taken in the sky. What you will see is what God Himself put there for us to see. Jesus said to seek His face, and you know, you might just see Him. The Bible says that it is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out. It also says Jesus would come back the same way He left: in the clouds, and every eye would see him.
About the Author
This book is not about Cindy, but about the heavens declaring God’s glory. It’s all about what Jesus Christ wants to say. He wants to reveal Himself to you so that you will believe in Him. He is real and alive. Seeing is believing. Cindy hopes you will take time to seek His face; that is what He wants. Let Him come a little bit closer to you. Let Him make Himself more real to you. Believe in Him, believe His word. He loves us so much.