A Frying Pan is Not a Gift

Helpful Hints for Staying Married and Raising a Somewhat Happy Family For At Least 32 Years

by Bob Borneman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/30/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781449732318
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781449732301

About the Book

There is a big difference between wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is what you get from reading books, going to school (if you stay awake) and touching the stove to see if it is hot, even though it is glowing red. Wisdom is correctly answering the question from your wife “honey, do these jeans make my butt look big?” If you have not yet attained wisdom, the answer to this question is not “no honey, it ain’t the jeans; it’s that bag of Oreos you ate last night.”

Since the average marriage only lasts 8 years, I feel blessed to still be married to the same person for 32 years (and counting). Both my parents and my wife’s parents never divorced. I do recall my father in-law stating on the occasion of his 50th wedding anniversary “I have never considered divorce, murder possibly, but never divorce.” Humor runs deep and wide throughout our family. This book is written for the guys who are married, are getting married or think they want to be married, so they will not make some of the same mistakes I made when trying to learn how to be married.

About the Author

Bob Borneman resides in Cataula, Georgia with his wife of 32 years, Mary Dell, youngest son Walker, who is a senior at Harris County High School along with dogs Scarlett the attention seeking Bassett Hound, and Millie the hyperactive three legged dog. Oldest son Adam is pastor of Second Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, Alabama. Daughter Koelling resides in Atlanta working in the public relations and media industry, as well as parenting foster dogs. Son Will continues as drummer with a new band and practices in his own home in Gainesville, Georgia. We are not sure if he continues to abide by the Silent Sunday rule, we think probably not. Will is creating his own record label, and has his own recording studio.