There have been a lot of television programs and books written discussing that the ‘end of the world’ will occur on December 21st 2012, as predicted by the Mayan calendar and the alignment of all the planets in the solar system. However, for those who believe in this date, they are wrong.
There are numerous New Testament references in the Bible that mention the end of the world. The apostle writers of Matthew (24:29-44), Mark (13:24-31) and Luke (21:20-33) wrote that Jesus specified, “no one knows the hour or day when the world will end, but there will be many false prophets, the word of God would be preached throughout the world, there will be wars and rumors of wars and that nations will rise against other nations.” There would also be famines, earthquakes and it will be a time when the sun darkens and the stars will fall from the sky. This all occurs during the great tribulation, a period of trials. Note however, that Jesus said no one knows the hour or day when this will occur, only the Father in Heaven knows. However, Jesus does state that one can see the signs to the beginning of the end as easily as one can see the signs of spring by looking at the sprouting of the fig leaves. By examining his statement, it is inferred that if the fig leaves have already begun to sprout, then other events have already been fulfilled; winter would be over, the days would be getting longer and earth would be preparing for a new season by providing necessary rains and warmth to begin new growth. In a like manner before the end of time, certain events must be fulfilled prior before the beginning of this event actually occurs.
In general many things must have been put in place before this final event happens. It is like putting a pot of water on a stove and adding heat to it. Initially the water is cool and there is not much worth noticing, but when heat is applied to the water it becomes warmer and after a while the water will become so hot that it reaches its boiling point. Similarly, as we approach the end times the world will begin to experience some changes in ideologies, morale behavior, beliefs, faith, economics, governmental policies and climatic changes. The fabric of society will begin to show wear. Initially these changes may not be even noticeable, what some would say it is just aberrations from the norm, but in reality as each year passes the frequency of these aberrations will become increasingly greater and greater until absolute chaos occurs.
Unlike the pot of water on the stove which started off cool, no one knows when the beginning that these changes will start and therefore when the final days will come upon mankind, but perhaps there are a couple of signs that may narrow the timeline in which this events may begin occurring. The first sign was a vision by Pope Leo XIII that occurred on October 13th 1884. In that vision Pope Leo XIII saw Satan boasting to God that he could destroy God’s church if given sufficient time. According to Pope Leo XIII, God granted Satan 100 years to try to destroy His church, but if he didn’t succeed it would be the end of Satan.
The beginning of Satan’s time frame is unknown; however, an epic event happened in Fatima Portugal in May 1917 when three young children named Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco first saw a vision of the Virgin Mary. On July 13th 1917, around noon, the lady is said to have entrusted these children with three secrets. In her message to them the Holy Mother of God forewarned that the world was on a precipice of catastrophic times. Her first secret predicted that although the current World War would come to an end, another more destructive war would happen in the not too distant future under Pope Pius XII. Her second secret stated that if Russia was not consecrated by all the Bishops, then Russia will spread its errors throughout the world and that the world would suffer greatly. Her third secret (recently release) made reference to the Pope and bishops, that there would be persecutions of the church and some type of devastation in a city.
Was this the reason why the Virgin Mary came down to earth, was it to prepare the world for what was about to happen? Was the year 1917 or year after the beginning of the clock for Satan’s time and the end of the world as we know it? If so, taking into account the hundred years that God gave Satan and assuming that Mary was given one hundred years to prepare God’s children for this period, she may have begun her warnings at about the same time that Satan began his attempts to destroy the church. Therefore the end of time as we know it may occur somewhere near the year 2017.
Satan has a plan and he works on human weaknesses, he has incredible power to make us do his evil, by working in our minds. No one should under estimate the power of Satan; he was after all an angel of God whose name was Lucifer. No one can see him, but we can see where he has been treading just by watching for large out cropping’s of evil. When he finds weaknesses in human beings, he will try to use it on everyone until that particular evil is no longer effective, at which point he switches to another evil tactic and uses that until he needs to switch again. He has found in his tried and true bag of tricks; our weakness towards lust, power and greed that has worked for him generation after generation, resulting with many souls falling into damnation for following them.
If Satan was given a hundred years to destroy the church, what better time was there other than the twentieth century? Some old weapons at Satan’s disposal are: hate, war, jealousy, vengeance, prejudice, racism, pride, disobedience, disrespect, laziness, arrogance, etc. More recent weapons include drugs, knowledge (splitting the atom and DNA cloning to name a few), fame (famous people who lead people astray with their over indulgences) and new technologies such as; movies, play station type games (creates a society of laziness and over aggressive behavior), mass communication via internet and television, war machines (military jets, drones and guns that can fire thousands of rounds per minute), etc. His plan is to intertwine these new weapons with the old and alter human being belief in the existence of God. Satan wants to sway the masses from believing that God created all things. He wants human beings to think that they are really in control of their destiny and they themselves have the ability plus power to create and destroy. If people believe in this ideology, then humanity will no longer think that they have a need for God. If these beliefs are followed by mankind, then Satan will be victorious in achieving his plan.
Satan’s first step to achieve his goal is by rebellion and deception. Satan is a master with these principles. He masterminded the plan, in which he and one-third of God’s holy angels rebelled against God and the other holy angels. Satan may be saying to himself, a war-- yes, just like the one I started in heaven, it is an excellent way to destroy humanity and lead souls into damnation, where they will be mine to do my bidding forever.
A review of the twentieth century shows it to be a violent time with two world wars (WWI & WWII), Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq War and numerous other Civil wars throughout the world that did not commit NATO forces. There has been no peace at all in the twentieth century and with the technological changes (war machines) there has a great degree of unrest.