The Overcomers

Christian Authors Who Conquered Learning Disabilities

by Ginny Aiken, Jane Myers Perrine, Ruth Scofield, Margaret Daley & Molly Noble Bull



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/15/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781449727437
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781449727444

About the Book

Did you ever try to push a one hundred–pound rock up a hill with nothing but a toothpick? If you can imagine what that might be like, you have some idea how difficult it is for a child with a learning problem to read or spell ten simple words.


It takes a huge amount of energy to push a heavy rock up a hill. It takes an equal amount of mental strength for a child with dyslexia to read and spell, and at the end of either of these strenuous activities, both the rock pusher and the child are exhausted.


Five published Christian authors with learning disabilities wrote this book from their own experiences. It is their hope that others will be encouraged from reading how they overcame.


“An inspiring account of five amazing women authors who demonstrated how creativity and perceptual talents go hand-in-hand with dyslexia and ADD.”

—Ronald D. Davis, author of The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read and How They Can Learn and The Gift of Learning: Proven New Methods for Correcting ADD, Math & Handwriting Problems.


The Overcomers is a must-read for anyone with a learning disability or knows someone who suffers from that problem. These five amazing authors have opened their hearts and shared their stories in a way that puts feet to their faith and calls their readers to do the same. Don’t miss this excellent read!”

—Kathi Macias, author of more than thirty books, including Red Ink, the Golden Scrolls Novel of the Year and Carol Award finalist

The Overcomers is a finalist in the 2011 Women Of Faith Contest. It is in the top 30 out of 660 entrants. Final contest results will be announced March 31st, 2012.

About the Author

Molly Noble Bull, Margaret Daley, Ginny Aiken, Jane Myers Perrine, and Ruth Scofield are all published Christian fiction authors. They came from different states, cities, and towns, and they all suffered and suffer from learning disabilities. The good news is they triumphed over their problems and became successful, and you can too.