Going Astray
Book Details
About the Book
Temptations abound to influence us to go astray. In moments of weakness, we often give in to their allure, which causes hurt to ourselves as well as to others. The same happened with many Bible characters. They entangled themselves in deceit, discord, greed, unbridled sex, and even denial of God. Their missteps also suggest addictive habits that run rampant in today's society, ones that take a devastating toll in our moments of weakness. This book is geared toward combating them—that we stand against fleshly desires and, in turn, dedicate ourselves toward right living. There will be opposition, but ready to help stands a loving heavenly Father, who welcomes us with open arms.
About the Author
Dr. Theodore Kalivoda, professor emeritus of language acquisition, has wielded a profound influence across American and foreign universities. Under university and federal sponsorship, he has directed projects in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Currently he participates in lay ministries, including evangelizing and Bible teaching in US prisons.