Live by the Sword

Israel's Struggle for Existence in the Holy Land

by James Rothrock



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781449725211
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781449725204
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781449725198

About the Book

Live by the Sword portrays Israel’s struggle for existence in the Holy Land since becoming an independent Jewish state in 1948. Lieutenant Colonel James Rothrock draws on his military experience, travels in the Middle East, and academic background to present an authentic picture of the Jewish people’s quest for a home in Palestine, their fight for survival against multiple Arab invasions, the hundreds of indiscriminate terrorist attacks, and the ominous threats to their very existence today.

Colonel Rothrock identifies the immediate threat to Israel’s survival as the “Alliance of Terror,” which consists of Iran and Syria and their terrorist surrogates, Hamas and Hezbollah. These purveyors of terror all have the common goal of destroying Israel.

However, Rothrock warns that the greatest danger to Israel’s existence is Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons, coupled with the threats by Iran’s leaders to annihilate Israel. He makes a convincing argument that Iran’s nuclear ambitions are propelling the region toward a cataclysmic conflagration that could involve Israel, Iran, Arab states, and even major world powers.

Colonel Rothrock is steadfast in his belief that the United States must stand resolutely with Israel and take action to forestall military or political events that could lead to the destruction of our only true ally in the Middle East.

About the Author

As a career U.S. military officer, Lt. Colonel James Rothrock followed Israel’s major military engagements with the Arab world and its day-to-day fight to protect the people of Israel from indiscriminate terrorist attacks.

He has traveled to many parts of the world, including the Middle East, South Asia, Far East, Pacific, and Europe. He served eleven years abroad with assignments in Athens, Paris, Tokyo, Saigon, and Stuttgart. These travels were valuable in his former civilian profession as a professor of world geography.

He holds BA and MS degrees. His professional military education includes Air War College, Air Command and Staff College, and National Security Management at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. His military specialty includes electronic warfare, intelligence, foreign military advisor, information systems, and launch control of nuclear weapons. For a time, he also served as a special instigator for the US government.

His combat experience consists of a year in Vietnam, where he saw a major allied victory in the 1968 Tet Offensive turned into a defeat by the American media. In the early stages of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, he served on an aircrew that flew covert support missions.

Colonel Rothrock’s travels, assignments abroad, civilian and military education, combat experience, and knowledge of world affairs and geography make him uniquely qualified to write this book.