Time and Again
God’s Sovereignty in the Lives of Two Bible Translators in the Philippines
Book Details
About the Book
Time and Again: God’s Sovereignty in the Lives of Two Bible Translators in the Philippines reveals God’s amazing orchestration of events in the lives and ministry of a missionary couple far from home. You’ll see God heal a dying child in answer to prayer, protect a brave pastor from hostile Communist forces, drive away evil spirits, and send an angel to help women in danger. Other remarkable events, such as influential leaders deciding that their whole group will follow God, will help you recognize God’s sovereign working in your own life.
In 1953, Richard Elkins began linguistic and anthropological studies of the Western Bukidnon Manobo people in the Philippines. After the Elkins team produced an alphabet system, taught people to read, and translated the New Testament, many Manobos turned from worshiping spirits and embraced the Christian faith.
About the Author
Richard Elkins received a BA from Westmont College and a PhD in linguistics and anthropology from the University of Hawaii. He and his late wife, Betty, spent forty years with Wycliffe Bible Translators in the Philippines. He has served as an international translation consultant and most recently assisted in the Manobo-language translation of the Old Testament.
Richard is the author/editor of The Manobo-English Dictionary and the translator/editor of A Voice from the Hills: Essays on the Culture and Worldview of the Western Bukidnon Manobo People. His chapter, "Biblical Inspiration and Bible Translation" is in Willis and Masters' book, Basic Theology Applied (Victor Books). His forty-seven linguistic and cultural articles have appeared in such journals as Ethnology; RELC Anthology, and Missiology: An International Review.
He lives with his wife, Agnes, in Snohomish, Washington.
Author and copy editor Agnes Lawless Elkins has had numerous articles published. Her nine books include The Drift into Deception (Kregel), Captivated by God (Gospel Light), and Under His Wings (Christian Growth Ministries). She graduated from Prairie Bible College and Seattle Pacific University and studied at Syracuse University, the University of North Dakota, and Hartford Seminary. She and her late husband, John Lawless, also worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators in the Philippines.