Where Is God in His Church?

by John Wallace Whitehead



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/27/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781449718688
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781449718671
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781449718695

About the Book

“John Wallace Whitehead has been blessed to view the church as a purist. With no agenda, program, or bias, he is able to describe clearly the perception of those who are not in the family of God yet and what is on their minds about God’s people, the Church. He is able to challenge the complicated church culture that has been embedded for years with simplicity. He writes with concern filled with humility. He presents challenges with compassion. And most important, he is Christ-centered without compromise. Using a teaching technique that Jesus used in His ministry, John presents penetrating questions that reach to the very core of your soul. They are probing and revelatory. You will find “metaphors” in his writing to hang your thoughts upon. He brings you to a decisive moment in serving the Lord: What will you do now?

Where Is God in His Church? is your passport to understanding and freedom. A new song will arise in your soul and you will be re-energized in doing God’s work God’s way for God's results! A must-read for all who want to ‘bring back the King!’”.

—Dr. Mark O’Farrell, president, Trinity College of Florida

About the Author


My motivation for writing this book is to challenge the Church to look beyond itself to a lost and dying world. One that needs Jesus as much today as each of us that professes to know Him did when we accepted Him. The views I am expressing are based on my own experiences as a pastor, layman and as a businessman. I believe my perspective in unique due to the fact I am involved in so many different aspects of leadership both within and outside of the church context.

My hope is to ask the questions that will challenge each of us to consider the possibilty that we may not be relevant as a church to our world today. Their veiws and perceptions of us are based on what they see when they look at us from the outside and sadly in many cases from the inside as well.

I live in Wellington, FL a suburb of Palm Beach County, FL which has a population of approximately 1.4 million people where statistics have shown that only about 10% of those people attend a church on any given Sunday. In most cases it is becuase they do not see the church as relevant to their lives or they just don't like what they see in the church period. Somehow, we must care enough to help them see things differently. We can only do that if we are willing to take good long look at ourselves. That is the intention of this book.

I am a husband of thirty years to my best friend Bonnie. A father to two adult children, Lindsay and John and a grandfather to the most awesome little boy ever, Ryder. I am the least likely to be writing a book and the most likely to need to read one. I am living proof of what God can do in the life of someone that will put their faith in Him.

I hope and pray that this book will bring glory to God and break my heart personally and the hearts of those that might choose to read it. I believe the state of His Church in America today and the salvation of millions of lost people may very well depend on it.

Acts 1:8
John Whitehead


It is John Wallace Whitehead’s heartfelt desire to help those of us who know Jesus see the need to examine our lives and ask the simple question, Can someone see Jesus in me? If evidence of Jesus in a person is a changed life, he considers himself living proof of what God can do.