The Merging of Two Worlds

The Convergence of Scientific and Religious Thought

by Roy E. Bourque



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/27/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781449722951
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781449722944
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781449722968

About the Book

Science is a left-brained subject. It sees the world in mathematical models. It is all built on logic. Religion is a right-brained subject. It sees the world in associations. It is all built on symbolism. Misconceptions are what prevent us from reconciling the associations with the mathematical models. Once the misconceptions are revealed, the problem goes away. The teachings of Eastern Philosophy are interwoven throughout the Old and New Testaments. What they have to say explains a great deal about what the Holy Bible is trying to say to us. It reveals much of the symbolism used in religion so that it can be understood. It takes you beyond the realm of faith and into the realm of knowing. The Mayan Calendar and its apparent connection to end-time prophecy is also reviewed. The evolution of consciousness that it reveals is leading us on a very definite path. Taken collectively, evolution, split brain, Eastern Philosophy, Christianity, and the Mayan Calendar are interwoven to present a worldview that is equally fascinating and very promising.

About the Author

Roy Bourque was trained in the nuclear power field of the US. Navy. He further conducted independent research into scientific and religious studies spanning over twenty-five years. Having had mystical experiences, Roy was able to integrate religious concepts with scientific facts that brought them to a whole new level of understanding. He blends evolution, Judaism, Christianity, and the Mayan Calendar in a manner that is truly enlightening. Having served as the control room supervisor for Norwich Public Utilities, Roy is currently retired as a homeowner in Norwich, Connecticut. He has a wife and two stepchildren. He is a licensed private pilot and an active member of the Civil Air Patrol. His hobbies include photography and theatrical lighting design.