Welcome to Hidden in Their Hearts the activity book designed to show that there is a way to help three to seven year old children memorize Scripture and apply God's word to their lives while having fun at the same time. This book will help you capitalize on the children's eagerness and willingness to learn and help them hide God's Word in their hearts at the same time. Enjoy the unique opportunity you have to help these little ones increase in their knowledge and love of their Lord Jesus Christ. It will be time well spent.
The activities in this book are simple and can be done with minimal preparation. There is an adult page to go with each verse children are to learn followed by a student page which will engage children in memorizing the verse. Each adult page contains a talk about section to help you focus the conversation about the verse, instructions for how to complete the student page, and an additional activities section to help you expand the topic if you desire. Suggested teacher or parent questions and comments are in bold print with student responses following in parenthesis. You are definitely encouraged to say the verse with the children several times during each learning session.
Hidden In Their Hearts is a very versatile resource book. Pages can be used in any order you choose. It can be used in a classroom setting or one-on-one between parent and child. At the back of the book, you will find a topical index if you are interested in a specific theme.
As you begin, it is my prayer that God will richly bless you and the children you teach. May you all come to stand in awe of our living Savior.
Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
To talk about: What is the Word of Christ?(Bible) Show children a Bible. In the Bible, God tells us how much He loves us. He tells us more about Him, and He tells us how to serve Him. There are many important things to learn from the Bible. We will learn from the Bible our whole lives. The verse says to let the word dwell in us. What does dwell mean? (live in) Can you tell me where you dwell? How can we let God's Word dwell or live in us? (We can learn Bible verses. We can think about God and His Word in all that we say and do.) When we think of someone who is rich, what do we think of? (someone who has lots of money) What do you think it means to let God's word dwell in us richly? Should we read the Bible just a little and put it away and forget about it? (no) We need to really study the Bible and learn more and more about God. Where are some places you can think about God? (any answer the children give will be acceptable) What are some things you can remember about God? (Always with us, forgives us, loves us)
Instructions: Children should decorate the person on the student page to look like themselves. Using a permanent marker, help the children to draw a Bible on the inside of the body or place a sticker of the Bible in the center. Why did we put a Bible inside the person? (to help us to remember God's Word is to live or dwell in us)
Additional activities; 1. Sing "B-I-B-L-E" (LOSP 48) 2. Make a Bible Badge to wear today. Cut a circle out of construction paper and put a Bible sticker in the circle. Have children repeat the Bible words as you attach the badge to them. Say: "Whenever you see the badge remember our Bible words and remember how much God loves and cares for you."
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
To talk about: What does the word create mean? (to make) Can you think of something you have created? (drawings, buildings with blocks, and animals from play dough) Is it hard to create something? Do you know who created the earth? (God) Yes, God created everything we see around us in nature. Before God made the world there was nothing but darkness and then God spoke and everything appeared. This could be demonstrated by shutting off the lights ans saying, "Let there be light," and turning on the switch or having various pictures of things God created and saying, "God said let there be..." Isn't God amazing to be able to make everything just by speaking? Sometimes when we make things we are not very happy with them. We just want to start over. God made everything perfect the first time. He looked at everything He created and said, "It is good." Do you know what we mean when we say God created the heavens? (He made the sun, moon, stars, planets, comets, and everything in the sky.) What does it mean God created the earth? (He made our world and everything in it. )
Instructions: Using a blue crayon have children color the top portion of their paper. Children could also add star stickers or draw a sun in the heavens. Tell them this represents the heavens God made. Have them add a sticker of the world in the second space on the page. Remind students that this is a picture of the earth and that God made everything on the earth as well as in the heavens.
Additional Activities: 1. Sing any song about creation like "Who Can Make a Flower". 2. Read the creation account from a children's Bible.3. Weather permitting take a nature walk to see the wonderful things God created. Give children a small bag so they can collect interesting things along the way. Let children glue magazine pictures and things found on the nature walk to construction paper and make a poster. Write "Look What God Created" at the top. This could be an individual or a class project.