The Two Sides of the Golden Rule

Living Assertively is Living Biblically

by Martha Fehr M.A. & Wes Fehr Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/18/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781449713171
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781449713188

About the Book

I believe that the Bible teaches assertiveness as the most mature, biblical way of living. In very simple terms, assertiveness is when we say, "Come sit with me. Let's talk about our relationship. What is working for us and what needs to change?" When we are assertive we do not run and hide from relationship difficulties, neither do we demand that things are done our way. Instead, we face the problems head on, and in a calm, but firm manner, we address the issues that need to be resolved.

When I have been privileged to help people become assertive, they have not only improved their interpersonal relationships, they have developed a healthier self-esteem, and for people with a faith in God, that relationship has also deepened.

Because I have seen such positive changes in the clients I have worked with, I have become passionate about the importance of being assertive. My own relationships have also improved when I have practiced assertiveness.

Before I worked as a counselor, I taught school for several years. Later, as a counselor, I wished that someone would design a course on assertiveness that could be used in the classroom. If children would learn the value of assertive behavior early in life, they would struggle less with relationships throughout their lives.

About the Author

After working as a family counselor for approximately fourteen years, my husband and I have recently moved to Airdrie, Alberta, Canada. We look forward to a more relaxed lifestyle, working part-time. We have three adult children, two of them are married, giving us four grandchildren.