Soul Reunion

Understanding Where We Came From, Embracing Who We Are

by Laura Ann Day



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/29/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781449714499
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781449714482
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781449714475

About the Book

The book in your hands is here not by chance, coincidence, or mistake. This exact moment in time was ordained long before you were born, by the Creator of the Universe. God has called each of us to fulfill our own distinct moment in history, for His glory and purpose.

Discover how the spiritual and physical lineage of mankind has been undeniably woven together since the beginning of creation. Through personal stories and Scripture application, every follower of Christ can confidently embrace their appointed relevance in God’s family at a feast for the soul that has spanned all generations. True revelation awaits all who have a genuine desire to finally fulfill their unique destiny as they walk in faith.

Come and join hands at the table with our spiritual forefathers. A place has been set just for you, and comfort food of the soul will satisfy even the deepest hunger.

“Narrative. Description. Account. Event. Story. This book encompasses every aspect of story. Laura Ann Day peels back everything here to tell the never-ending story of faith and family. We love stories. When we are able to see how others’ stories fit The Story, our faith and lives have an opportunity to realize that maybe our own story can be a part of The Story. This book tells the old, old Story alongside current stories that are being lived out today. Come see how you and your story fit—you are a character in The Story!”
—Dr. Dudley Chancey
Professor of Youth Ministry
Oklahoma Christian University

About the Author

Wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and now author, Laura Ann Day brings a fresh new perspective to inspirational readers.

Day’s heart shines through as she reaches out to all who are seeking greater significance in their walk of faith.