Everyone Remembers The Play

A Compilation of Five Reverently Humorous, Soul-Searching Plays for Children, Youths, and Young Adults

by Barbara Peart-James



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/21/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781449731656
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781449731649

About the Book

Be sure to visit the official website: EveryoneRemembersThePlay.com !

Millions of people have become bored going through the routine church services, listening to the same presentations over and over.  In Everyone Remembers the Play, you will see a collection of five Bible stories or Bible principles with a modern-day twist to them. As you read these plays, be prepared for an adventurous encounter.   

These plays are based on the stories of:

The Prodigal Son – Initially, Sister Perla refuses to forgive Brother Brown for leaving the church for so many years, but she recognizes that she needs forgiveness herself when she realizes that she was the lost coin.

The Good Samaritan – Unlike the pastor and the elder, the Rasta-man shows that he understands the true meaning of service when he cancels his business appointment to tend to the injured victim.
The Christian Dress – Some liberal Christians are convinced that although their hearts are in the right place, they also need to look different from the rest of the world by displaying modesty  in their dress.

Adam and Eve – Obedience is the key to worshipping God.  Adam and Eve tried to take advantage of God’s mercy and found themselves on the other side of the border.

Ananias, Sapphira, and the Rich Fool – A rich couple learns a valuable lesson about thanksgiving and stewardship from the Rich Fool.  

The plays are suitable for main church services, camps, retreats, Bible studies, bedtime stories, or just about any occasion.  As you read along, you will get a more practical understanding of the Bible, because no matter how exceptional the preacher is, few will recall the sermon, but Everyone Remembers the Play.

About the Author

Barbara Peart-James is a born-again Christian who is presently involved in children’s and family life ministries at her local church.   Working in these areas has made her more aware of the need for a broader variety of programs, which has led her to become creative.  She realizes that by presenting the Bible stories in a modern-day setting in skits and plays, the attention and involvement of many have significantly increased, with them invariably asking for more. 

Barbara has been a registered nurse for more than twenty years and presently works full time in this field.  She is a devoted wife and mother of two children, ages fourteen and eleven, and resides in Miramar, Florida, with them.