Five Resurrections and the Rapture

by Daniel W. Rogers D.M.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/25/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781449715915
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781449715908

About the Book

Many people, both inside and outside of the church, are uncertain on the subject of end times. There are many people inside the church who view end times as unresolved, indeterminable, or totally up in the air. Those outside the church view end times as random, chance, or arbitrary. The schedule of events is established; the only uncertainty is the hour or day they will begin (1 Thess. 5:2).

Both inside and outside of the church, inconclusive views, partial dispositions and false teaching are widespread concerning end times; which promotes uncertainty.

Some interpreters point to every flood, earthquake or political upheaval as a sign that the final days are fast approaching. While these events may signal the approach of the final days, they are not definitively supported in the Bible.

It is important to study Bible passages within their context. Taking verses out of context leads to error and misunderstanding. To fully understand context, four principles must be considered: literal meaning, historical setting, grammar, and synthesis. Context is crucial to biblical exegesis, in that it is one of its most important fundamentals. When you finish reading END TIMES … Five Resurrections and the Rapture, you will have a clear understanding and a heightened level of confidence about the final days, an understanding you will want to share with others.

About the Author

Dan Rogers began serving as an evangelist after completing his Doctorate of Ministry from Newburgh Bible College and Seminary. Dan and his wife, Sue, have visited over seventy churches and shared with thousands of Christians in their lifetime. They enjoy being grandparents to four wonderful grandsons.