Reflections on the Upsides of Aging

Living with Joy and Purpose After Age 50

by Dr. Helen Mendes Love MSW, With Grace Chruch of Humble, With Pastor Scott Jones & With Texas Chairman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/25/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781449711337
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781449711313
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781449711320

About the Book

Aging is God's gift to you.

Even as your body grows old, learn how — as a Senior member of God's Forever Family — to live the balance of your earthly life with hope, joy and purpose.

“This is a great book. Everyone over 50 years of age must read it. It contains many practical ways to live life after fifty with significance and great joy … It certainly shows that we will still count in life and can make a difference as we grow old.”
Rev. Dr. Arthur W. Davenport,
Senior Pastor, First Church of God, Far Rockaway, New York

“Dr. Helen Mendes Love’s Reflections on the Upsides of Aging is so Spiritfilled and powerful. After reading it, I am renewed in the wonder of God’s blessings to me in my many years … I have also learned through Dr. Helen’s sharing that I will never be too old to grow and to enjoy new ways of telling this loving God ‘thank you’!”
Paulette Meeks,
former Daughter of Charity
and author of The Best For Last: One Woman’s Unusual Tale of Life and Love

“I enjoyed this book. Dr. Mendes Love’s handling of a variety of delicate subjects shows her deftness, aplomb, and confidence in her research. The chapter on sin is an exemplary treatise on a subject with sharp, jagged edges. I thank Dr. Mendes Love for speaking so freely of aging with great purpose and direction. Her scholarly, grandmotherly, sweet slap is a welcome wakeup call.”
Brett Jones, Senior Pastor,
Grace Church of Humble, Texas

“This book will inspire the reader. The content will enrich your life …”
Marvin Powell, Retired Judge,
Liberty County, Texas

Helen Mendes Love, author, speaker, and life coach, earned a Masters of Social Work degree from Columbia University and a doctorate from UCLA. She has served as a professor at the University of Southern California and director of Social Work at Pepperdine University of Malibu, California. She is the mother of two and grandmother of six. She and her husband, Gregory R. Love, live in Humble, Texas.

About the Author

Dr Helen A. Mendes Love is President of Mendes Consultation Services which she founded in 1976. She and her Professional Associates encourage people to cooperate with God in solving stressful personal, marital, family and work-relationship problems.

Dr Helen Mendes (Love) earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at Columbia University and her Doctorate at UCLA. She studied theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. As a professor of social work at the University of Southern California she taught Masters and Ph.D students how to help people with a range of stressful problems. She is former Director of the Social Work Minor program at Pepperdine University where she taught undergraduate students. She was also on the faculties of UCLA and the Hunter College School of Social Work. She is a member of the Academy of Social Workers and a Diplomat of Clinical Social Work.

Dr Helen Mendes (Love) has been quoted in the Los Angeles Times, The Christian Science Monitor, the San Francisco Chronicle, Essence Magazine, Redbook Magazine and Human Behavior Magazine.

She is the author of The African-Heritage Cookbook, a history-recipe book and God's Stress Management Plan - Ten Biblical Principles for Avoiding, Reducing or Better Managing Stress. She has authored numerous articles for professional and lay publications. Her work as a cultural diversity consultant is the subject of a chater in the book, Choices - Careers fo People Who Like People.

She has given hundred of speeches and seminars for churches, non-profit, for-profit and governmental organizations. Dr Mendes (Love) has been a guest on radio and television. among them were KCBS, KNBC, KACE, KJLH, KZLA and KKLA.

Among the honors she received are an Award of Excellence from The Women of Religious Achievement, Inc. and the City of Los Angeles, Zeta Phi Beta's Woman of The Year Award in Education, a University of Southern California Award of Merit for Outstanding and Dedicated Service. She has been listed in Who's Who of American Women, Who's Who Among Black Americans and in the Outstanding People of the 20th Century.