Tears of the Father

Journey of Experiencing Grace

by Terri Meidinger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781449709679
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781449709686

About the Book

An ordinary Christian family suffers the loss of a loved one. Haunting demonic spirits torture the family in different ways in order to bring these vessels of clay to a state of brokenness and shame. Finding themselves in bondage with their different means of comfort, this family of four faces the ultimate challenge of testing God and his love for them.

Satan and his legions of fallen angel’s band together. Leviathan, the six headed beast, moves subtly in the hearts and minds. Using a unique man with the ability to heal within minutes without any medical attention, Satan enters powerfully into the home.

All these incidents are based on actual events. The battle is revealed in three dimensions; heaven, earth and Satan’s domain. Heaven, where King Jesus resides with his loved ones who have passed on already is seen laughing and crying with the father who is watching his family on the journey through faith. The tears of the Father are shared with the tears of the father. He teaches the great crowd of witnesses lessons of grace as life unfolds because of the choices each one of the family members make.

About the Author

Born in 1960 in Riverton, Wyoming, I was raised in the Midwest. I was raised in a God fearing home. Left home at eighteen years of age from an abusive home. Married a wonderful man at twenty six. I experienced unconditional love in Alaska, Tennessee, Maryland, with the man for 17 years.

I found the need to share and live unconditional love to the four kids, two step children, and six grandchildren after the death of my husband in order to rectify the family unit.

The challenges of single parenting too three rebellious angry and depressed teenagers caused a prayer journal to be written.

After marking checks besides answered prayers a visualization of the battles and victories were seen.