Now Is The Time!
Kingdom Minded
Book Details
About the Book
This book reveals vital information through the word of God and the importance and urgency of the “Kingdom” which is the ministry of Jesus and how we as believers are to live and function in the earth realm. There are chapters which focus on the Kingdom including; how to have a Kingdom Mind-Set, understanding the Kingdom-Connectors (five-fold ascension gifts), realizing your role as a Kingdom Carrier, submitting to your Kingdom Assignment, and utilizing Kingdom Wealth to serve and bless others. The revelation of God’s word will ultimately change your life and perspective on how you look at the “Kingdom” after reading this teaching tool. Jesus is coming back for his bride the church. Are you saved! Are you ready!
About the Author
Bridgette Ann a servant of Jesus Christ, ordained and chosen by God to preach, teach and evangelize the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Bridgette Ann anointed Prophetess and Evangelist has a passion for souls to be saved. She received her License of Ministry from Faithful Central Bible Church in Inglewood, California. Bridgette Ann earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from Biola University, La Mirada, Ca.; Associate Degree from El-Camino College, Torrance, Ca.; a Family Development Credential from Cornell University, New York and has also attended Southern University, Baton Rouge, La.
She has shared the Word of God through many different venues whether it was street ministry, convalescent homes, juvenile prison, work place or church. The Prophetess has a passion for the gospel to be told and heard by any means necessary for the saving of souls of mankind to receive eternal life. The journey has led her to volunteer in many of the different community outreach organizations and ministries, where she has served: Faithful Central Bible Church, Billy Graham Crusade, Union Rescue Mission, Fred Jordan Mission, Los Angeles Mission, Los Padrinos Juvenile Prison, and Los Angeles Community Day Events. The journey has also led her to travel internationally through London and on to Nairobi, Kenya.
Her passion and desire is to “go” and preach the gospel where ever God leads through the anointing power of the Holy Spirit that resides in her (Matthew 28:18-20). The vision to reach millions/billions of youth by preaching and teaching the un-compromised true Word of God so they can be raised up as “warriors for Christ.” Moreover, the passion to share Jesus with any and everyone that will hear.
Bridgette Ann is from Southern Louisiana and now resided in Southern California with her family.