Sex has Many Advantages Sex has many advantages but let’s look at some of the most important advantages: Sex can relax you. Sex can bring you and your spouse closer both naturally & spiritually. Sex can bring forth children. Most of all, sex can help you deal with flesh and its temptations. Sex is so powerful and by now, you should have that concept down; but not only is it powerful, it has endless advantages for you and your spouse. Just to name a few that I feel have the most meaning and will bless you are described here but I am sure you can write up a whole list of other advantages to. To begin, it is important that you have God’s spirit that teaches us all things, to lead us on how to appreciate and use what I call, this home court advantage. When I played sports, every time I came home for a Friday night game, it was on. The home crowd was there, we had a really a good team, the court was familiar, and no one could tell us we were going to lose. All the practice, sweat, and tears paid off and for many seasons, we went on to be unbeatable. Take that same picture, come into the bedrooms of millions of Christian marriages today, and ask yourself; have I taken advantage of my sex life and am I using my own home court to my advantage? Or am I one of those Christian who have never taken advantage of our home court advantage? Today, there are so many Christian couples walking around, who find it hard to smile, laugh, and just simply enjoy the company of one another. Husbands are preoccupied with whatever they can find, just to avoid the so-called nagging wife, or the “not tonight” refusal again, or no longer has an interest in having sex with you. Wives are overwhelmed; tired with chores and kids, not to mention all the volunteer work at the school, and the church. The constant pull just to be the proverbs 31 woman is just too much she thinks and sex, please. If you’ve had a hard day at work, exhaustion comes before the thought of a good night of sweat and scents of sex; at least from one of you. Then all of a sudden the unnecessary confusion steps in and the instant argument begins. But how many times have we as Christians been ask to do something we absolutely did not want to do but we did it anyway for several reasons: the Pastor or Minister asked, someone was watching, and we felt it was our responsibility to do. Then because of the dynamics in those people or the situation, you dared not complain but did it all with a smile. Man, what if we could take that same instant want to and bring it into our bedrooms. Do you not understand that God judges your heart not just your actions and when you do something out of a heart of flesh, it is a sour smell to the nostrils of God? But even when you don’t want to do something, like having sex with your spouse, you humble yourself and realize that if anybody is going to get the best of me even when I’m at my worst; it has to be my husband or my spouse. (Scarf ice) We will wake up in the middle of the night for a random call of help; push ourselves to the limit of mere exhaustion to carry out a task Pastor may ask to do, and then come home and give our loved ones straight hell for them simply asking for something that belongs to them first. In my years of having a relationship with God, I have learned that I cannot give myself beyond my ability in God to be able to minister to my own house. If I give and give to everyone outside of Judea, (my home) my ministry and everything about me is an abomination to the Lord. His word declares that any man that cannot take care of his own home is worse than an infidel and that is not just for men but women too. Yes you can volunteer, babysit, cook, work, and do whatever you feel you want to do to, but your first ministry is being able to be a blessing to your own home. Study the Proverbs 31 woman, they had a mutual relationship and he respected her enough to call her his favor. He was praised to be married to her. As busy as this woman was, even to the point of staying up all night, he still called her his and was able to say she brought him pleasure. So let me ask you, if cooking for the church is going to take you out your ministry at home, you may want to let your Pastor know. Quit trying to please everybody outside your house and put your cook clothes on and minister to your loved one. One thing about serving one another in this area of sex, when you are able to be pleasing in the eyes of the one you love, you are truly pleasing the Lord more than you giving yourself to something you truly don’t want to do but you are just doing it. The bible declares how God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and until we realize that we operate on a different plain, sex will always be something that you get frustrated with instead of understand. As complex as sex is, it’s still not to be so complex that you can’t understand it. Did it ever occur to you that; if you both engage in sex, it will help with pressure, and the tightness you feel running through you? Sex, for some of you will even alleviate the very thought of cheating on your wife or husband. Just think about it, the enemy doesn’t send that thought until you are absent from being sexually active with your loved one.