“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no
one can fi nd out the work that God does from beginning to end” (Ecclesiastes 3:11, NKJV).
Generally speaking, people want peace and joy in their lives, and they desire to love and be loved. God
has written eternity into our hearts. We all understand in our souls that there is life after death.
I was born in 1954 and was raised in Warren, Ohio. I graduated from Cornell University in 1976 with
a degree in Industrial and Labor Relations.
On the third Sunday of June in 1986 at about 4:00 a.m., I became a born-again Christian. For the
previous six months, I had been studying various religions. I was surprised to fi nd that most religions
had a lot to say about Jesus Christ, and all of those religions seemed to have a different Jesus. I studied
and investigated, and I came to believe that the Jesus that was prophesied in the Old Testament of the
Bible was fulfi lled in Jesus of Nazareth. God changed my life. I used to be afraid of dying. I knew if God
really created everything, I was in big trouble.
After salvation and over the past seventeen years, I have worked hard for the cause of Christ. After
coming to the Lord, I have read hundreds of books, listened to thousands of audio tapes, and watched
hundreds of video tapes. I have worked in a church nursery, taught Sunday school, headed a singles
ministry, worked in a radio ministry, and helped clean churches. I have conducted teen Bible studies,
been active in Wycliffe Bible Associates, and was also active in the pro-life movement.
For four and one half years, I was a bi-vocational pastor of a satellite church of Houston’s First Baptist
Church. We baptized thirty-two people in these four and one half years and were part of leading about
one hundred people to the Lord. This church was located in an apartment complex. At all times, I have
been in full-time employment in the paper merchant industry.
My desire is to enable the new believer in Christ to come up to speed quickly concerning the Word of
God—the Bible. I want to condense major facts, Bible verses, and Biblical knowledge and wisdom in
this book.
For an unbeliever, my desire is for you to come to the point—as I did in 1986—to understand that it
takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in the God of the Bible. One purpose of
this book is to prove that mankind is created in the image of God. God has written eternity in our hearts
and given all men light to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.