Can't Ruffle This Feather

A single women’s journey around the world in order to discover who God created her to be

by Angela M. Bushi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/20/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781449725815
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781449725808
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781449725792

About the Book

Sometimes God has to ruffle your feathers so you can spread your wings and fly. In 1994, fresh out of college, Angie Feather embarked on a journey around the world as a teacher and missionary in order to discover herself as God created her to be.

Many people struggle with loneliness. They want to serve God and desire to be married. As a result, they often settle for less than God’s will in the choice between ministry or marriage. The purpose of this book is to share one woman’s struggle to hear God’s call. It tracks her from country to country through a kidnapping, two arrests, interrogation, food poisonings, being stalked, and having a foster daughter, until she eventually marries at thirty-seven years old.

In Can’t Ruffle this Feather, author Angie Feather-Bushi invites you to join her in a journey of self-discovery. Follow her as she encounters every unexpected detour that life throws at her and learns to trust that God has a plan for her: a life that is exceedingly and abundantly beyond what she could ever imagine.

God used this single woman to share the gospel in the most unlikely of places. God orchestrated various circumstances in her life to show her who she is in Him, to prepare her to meet her eventual husband. Following God’s will for you in ministry or missions does not mean you have to give up on the dream of marriage.

About the Author

Angela M. Bushi has a BS in life science with an emphasis in secondary education from the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley (1993) as well as an MS in school counseling from the University of LaVerne in LaVerne, California. She worked for Young Life as an area director in Sofia, Bulgaria, where she also taught at the Anglo-American School of Sofia (1994–95). Angie has also lived in Zurich, Switzerland, where she taught at the International School of Zug (1995–1997), and Manila, Philippines, where she was a church partner with the Union Church of Manila and Young Life (1997–2000). After that, she taught and counseled in both the San Francisco Unified School District and Denver Public School District. She is recently married and not working. Now her full-time job involves looking after her eight-month-old, Joshua, and her husband, David.