Chapters In A Life

Written by God, lived by all

by Martin Booker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/7/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781449710958
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781449710965
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781449710972

About the Book

After learning from pastors and other Christians that God would not forgive his father for committing suicide, Chris lived for seventeen years as a confused atheist until God used him in an important way. When he learned the truth about his father’s fate and the endless depth of God’s love through the Bible, his eyes were opened, and he ventured out to convince confused Christians that they had been deceived through the works of Satan on more than half of the things they had learned of the Bible. Chaos breaks out when Chris sends True Saints Baptist Church on a biblical roller-coaster ride as he tries to convince them that tithing, all of Abraham’s blessings, and many other promises God made in the Bible were not promised to Christians living after Jesus died on the cross. He provides biblical proof and answers very controversial Bible contradictions and also proves that the few promises God made to Christians living after Jesus died were far better than tithing, speaking in tongues, and many other gifts and promises that True Saints members tried to use to get blessings from God. Confident in the few promises made to Christians, Chris challenges the deacons of the church by offering to put his salvation on the line if they can find one lie in the Bible, in his quest to prove that the Bible is true and all contradictions came from misinterpretations of the Bible through all denominations and all religions that kept Christians from becoming one body in Christ.

About the Author

Martin Booker has a passion for promoting God’s love by uncovering Satan's deceptions that blind mankind from seeing how good God really is. His hope is to unite as many separated Christians together as possible and empower them to be stronger witnesses for Christ through his stories that show the effect of what Satan's lies can and has done to both believers and non believers for centuries.